When Mates fall, Dwayne (imagine)

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(Dwayne's POV)

"Initiations over Michael, time to join the club." David said with a smirk as we all lead Michael up the hill to a tree that sits along the beaches outskirts.

"Your not going to want to miss this Michael!" Marko said with a laugh as we all take positions by the tree, watching out meals for tonight party and jump around the fire. I felt souch hunger but I also felt a connection to something that was close by, very close by.

Not really listening to David or the guys talk to Michael about everyone and around the fire and what they're going to do, more or so looking for what was bothering me. What was making me feel more than hunger. 

"This is what you've become Michael." David said with the same velvet and mysterious voice. Michael looking confused as to what David was still talking about and why they were all watching people dance around a fire having a good time. 

As Michael was figuring it out I was searching the small crowd of people for whatever it was that was making me feel like this. Maybe somebody was carrying something that I wanted or had something that I needed. As I observed very closely I seen this girl, with long Y/H/C hair. She had the most beautiful eyes that I've ever seen and wore a smile of what seemed to hold stories of great memories.

She was perfect in every way shape and form. It's like I already knew her and knew exactly what she went through and overcame. That was until some drunken man came up to her and grabbed her by the arm roughly, making her wince in pain. He seemed to be very pissed off about something and was making it out to be her fault.

Every jolt he did with her and every wince she expressed made me see red even more. He was hurting her, touching her when he wasn't supposed to and obviously wasn't wanted around seeing the hatred in her eyes. She went to say something back to the rough man but he automatically backhanded her across the face with a loud smack following along with it. That was it for me.

"Dwayne, settle down, don't do something your going to re-" Paul was in the middle of saying as I instantly went darting over to the man that hit such an angelic girl. Sinking my teeth into shoulder, making him yell out in pain. There was screaming and yells of terror as the other guys came down to start feeding on the rest of the people.

Once I was done with the man and dropped his body completely into the bonfire, I turned to see the girl that I've felt such a connection with. I seen Marko was about to go after her so I instantly, grabbed for her. She screamed and thrashed in my arms, grabbing a beer bottle that was close by and smacking me over the head with it.

"Ugh! Son of bitch." I mumbled, rubbing my temple and then looking at her again. "Don't worry, I'm not going to hurt you, or let anyone hurt you for that matter." I say as I try to calm her down.

"Ya right, your guys are a bunch of bloodsuckers!!!" She said with shaking hands that we're hold the bottle. "Don't touch me!" She said aggressively as she backed away from me.

"I won't hurt you, just come with us and everything will be fine." I said.

(Your POV)

"I won't hurt you, just come with us and everything will be fine." He said with a deep and soothing voice. Looking at you with gentle eyes.

You felt oddly comforted with him, like you knew he wouldn't hurt you and would protect you. When he held you, you felt safe and secure, like nothing will get to you.

Slowly putting the bottle down and dropping it, obviously still unsure weather or not you should trust him fully or not. Holding out his hand for you to take, not entirely sure you should after you seen what just happened but you seen certainty in his eyes, honesty. 

So you take it, letting him guide and walk you up the hill to where the other guys were standing looking down at another guy who was in complete horror of what just happened. You don't blame him, you were just as horrified as he was.

The Native man that held your hand stayed a little distance away from them but in perfect range to hear and see them.

"Now you know what we are, and now you know what you are. Sleep all day and party all night, never grow old and never die. It's fun to be a vampire." The platinum blonde said with a smile, "My blood is in your veins, but you must feed."

A vampire! I mean of course you knew they were blood sucking vampires but just hearing it for yourself was like hearing it for the first time ever. You liked vampires and were so fond of them but never actually thought they existed.

"And now you know what you'll become." That's when you looked up to see the platinum blonde staring at you with fascination in his eyes.

"Not tonight David, it's not time." The man that was attached to your hand spoke out. So David it is, looked to him and stared for a moment contemplating something until he nodded.

"Your call Dwayne, but it has to be soon." David said firmly to his that you know now is Dwayne. "We're heading back to the cave with Michael, I advise you bring your mate along too and stay." Mate? Sure you feel a connection but you wouldn't think to call it a mate.

Dwayne nodded as looked back to you and softened his facial features. Watching the guys ride off into the night back to the cave that they spoke of that you assume they live in.

"I'm sorry you had to meet me this way, and I sure hope your not disappointed." Dwayne said, rubbing the back of his neck as he looked else where but your eyes. Confusion as to why he didn't want you do be disappointed hit you a little, wondering why you'd be disappointed.

"Wait, why would I be disappointed?" You asked wondering what he meant by that. Looking up at you and sighing.

"Disappointed cause I'm the one that's your mate." He said a little quietly, you almost had to ask him again cause you barely made out what he said. Then you realized what he had replied with, making you feel saddened. Of course you barely even knew him but you still hated to see him feel insecure about himself. You slowly laid you head down on his shoulder to show him comfort and some affection.

"Not disappointed, just surprised is all. I mean we barely know each other but I feel close to you, I feel like I've known you forever and that we've been together forever. I do wish we could've met in another way but at least we did meet then to not have met at all." You tell him in a comforting tone, trying to be positive and keep everything slow.

You wanted to get to know him personally, you wanted to have a healthy slow build to the both of yours eternal realtionship that is to come. You wanted it to be special. Without doubt you wanted him and he obviously wanted you, you just didn't want to rush into it. He seemed to want that as well. So cuddles, hand holding, hugs, are a great start to that.

When you knew he was secure and happy that you felt the same as he did you both went back to the cave, where your eternity of living with a loving group of vampires begins.


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