Christmas Eve, Marko (imagine)

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"We'll stay up late tonight
Decorate the tree
Just look into my eyes
And I'll tell you truthfully
That I don't need no Santa Claus
To hear my Christmas wish
I got you in my arms
And what could be a better gift
Than spend my very favorite time of
Year with the one I really love
So near, oh ya
Walking with you in a winters snow
Kissin' under the mistletoe
People smiling everywhere we go
It's Christmas Eve and I can see
We're in love."

Running around the humongous tree they got in the middle of the cave while Marko chased after you with some ribbons. Giggling like little children as you both went almost tripping over some of the boxes of decorations.

"I just want to see you all wrapped up is all, don't fight it!" He said still chasing you around the tree with the ribbon.

"No Marko!!  For the last time it's not happ-" As you were saying until popped out Marko from the total opposite direction from the way you going.

"AH HA!!  No where's to go now!!" He said with a devilish grin.

You looked at him for a bit, "Marko of course there's plenty of places to go, you do know I can just turn around again and we'll be doing the same thing we just got done doing a few minutes ago." Cocking an eyebrow at him, he stared at you like you just stole his thunder.

"Well damn." Saying after awhile, then out of no where he throws the ribbon around your waist yanking you close to him in an instant. "Now there's no where to go." He beamed with pride.

You smiled at him, hugging him tightly, "I don't think I want to go anywheres else than here."

"Mmmm, don't you look like the best gift ever." He said teasingly I'm your ear, making you laugh a bit and pulling away from him while still smiling at him with much love and him back to you.

"We need to still finish decorating this big thing you guys all got." You say, the tree was half decorated while you both were fully decorated. Marko with a red ornament dangling from where his earring usually is and lights twirling through his curls, ribbons all over you and wrapped paper as well.

Sighing, "alright, alright." He said picking up some mistletoe and then looking at you with a sweet smile.
He wiggled his eyebrows at you and made kissing noises at you making you laugh even more.

"The tree can wait I guess." You say, wrapping your arms around his neck loosely and placing your lips upon his. It was hard to finish the tree honestly cause he'd follow you around the whole time with the mistletoe and not taking no for an answer so you had to drop all you were doing and kiss the curly cutie.

"Oh my, what a coincidence." He said fake gasping seeing the mistletoe again.

"Marko! Put it down now and help with this tree." You say motherly, making him groan like a child.

"But I don't want to do that." He whined a little.

"Well you boys shouldn't have gotten such a big tree this year, bet you learned your lesson now." You say, peaking him on the cheek at least for his sake.

"Alright alright, let's do this and get it over with..... Hey more mistl-"


"Kidding kidding... Not. " He laughed.

♡(*´ω`*)/♡(*^^*)//  what a love bug. Hope everyone got their Christmas shopping in and done cause ik I need to get mine done (-ω-;) but I don't mind shopping for people lol anywho tho, I'll do Michael and Sam's tomorrow!!

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