What they do after a fight with you (preference)

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David- You both fought about how much of a jerk he was being that day. He was very moody and wouldn't stop huffing and puffing. Complaining about all sorts of stuff.

"What's the matter, your all pissy and everything everyone does you have an attitude with them." You say factually, making him sigh heavily. He felt bad honestly, mostly for you cause he loves you so he hated it when you were mad at him.

After it all he he brought you to the fair and spent the whole night with just you to make it all up to you. You being the very forgiving person that you are the both of you were back to laughing and loving one another.

Dwayne- He got annoyed you were hanging out with your cousin Michael all night. You didn't plan on it but he insisted that you both should hang out together without the guys with you both. Not that you two don't see each other, cause you two live together but a night with just you both was what he wanted to spend with his favorite cousin.

Of course once you met back up with Dwayne he had something to say about it. Yelling at you that you should've stayed with him and spend time with him sense your his mate. You tried to understand and be kind at first but he wasn't letting up with being pissed off about it, so you got mad too and left. Not believing what he was saying about you and Michael.

Talking about how Michael had no right to take you whenever he wanted and how you weren't Michaels, for god sakes you thought he was your cousin, didn't Dwayne understand that?

You didn't show up to the boardwalk for two nights, wanting some space to yourself without all the tension. Michael on the other hand still went to hangout with the guys and Star. "Y/H, come to the boardwalk with me, I know what Dwayne did was wrong and I was a little pissed myself but he wants to see you." He said, making you think about it for a couple minutes.

"Ya, I guess I should." Saying, getting up and getting ready. Putting on a little bit of eyeliner and a denim cropped jacket with a pair of black skinny jeans on. Heading out the door and hoping in the car with Michael.

(At the boardwalk)

You walked with Michael to meet up with the guys and Star, not sure you wanted to see him yet, so you duck out to the record store. As you were walking in you heard him call to you, no use.

"Y/N." He said once again. Sighing you turn to him, seeing him standing there like a lost child holding a bundle of your favorite kind of flowers. "I'm sorry darling." He said softly.

Looking at him for a little bit you give him a little soft smile, walking up to him and hugging him tightly, him wrapping his arms around you instantly as well. "I love you." He said in your ear, making you smile.

"I love you too." Kissing the corner of his mouth. 

Paul-  He was checking out some blonde. You noticed him do it and got instantly angry, he didn't think it was a big deal that he checked out other girls as long as he doesn't do anything else. If he thought that then he had another things coming, the back of your hand across his face.

"Fuck you, Paul, your such a prick, go and have your plastic piece of ass." Pushing him away, not wanting him to touch you or near you for that matter.

"Y/H I'm sorry for what I said, please just don't leave."

"No, Paul, leave me alone. I don't want to talk to you right now or even see you either!" You say, you were hurt, big time. How many times has he been looking at other girls while you weren't looking? You couldnt bare to know.

"No! Y/H, I'm not letting you go!" He said fairly sternly, blocking everywhere you moved and grabbing your hands or arms again and again everytime you snatched them away. "I know what I did was horribly wrong and I shouldn't have done it, at least not to other girls I shouldn't have." He said ashamed that he would treat you like that. Knowing fully well how much of a prick he sounded like when he let his hormones talk for him instead of his mind and heart. 

"Look, come back to the cave with me, just us. We can have Chinese take out and lay in bed together, I just don't want you to go." He said sighing, looking at you hopefully. You couldn't help but say yes and go along with him, even though you badly wanted to say no, you wanted him to fight for you more and more. But you also wanted to be with him.

"Ok." You said quietly, he breathed a little sigh of relief, taking your hand and bringing you both back to the cave.

Marko- He drank all your chocolate milk, you were obviously a little pissy about it and he was uncaring. You both bickering back and forth with one another about it and even going as far as wrestling one another about it. Paul and Star had to break the both of you up, him sitting there all chill while you were still flaming from the wrestling match.

"Look hunny-" He started but you interrupted him.

"Don't call me hunny."

"Ok, pumpkin-"

"Don't call me that either."

"..... Lovey-"

"NO." You said sternly.

"Young lady I'll call you whatever the hell I damn well want, so stuff it and let me talk!" He said getting annoyed with your attitude, you stopped talking and just looked at him waiting for him to go on. "Alright, I did it cause I love you." He said simply.

You stared at him for a long while, " You drank my chocolate milk cause you loved me?" You asked, unbelievably looking at him.

"Yes." He said nodding.

"Marko your terrible at explanations." You said shaking your head and sighing, tired from wrestling and bickering.

"Yes I know that but it was worth a try and I got you more chocolate milk before I drank the other one." He said, grabbing a little cooler they had and taking out some bottles.

"Oh Marko thank you so mu-, ones half empty." You said. Not mad about it, just a little amused.

"Or, or it's half full." He said, snapping his fingers and winking at you making you smile and shake your head.

Sam-  You two were in a big fight cause he's been hanging out with the frog brothers more than you and you felt he was avoiding you. You both decided to leave each other alone for a few days. It made you miserable, totally oblivious it made him just as miserable tho. 

You were laying in bed reading a book when you heard a knock on your door. Getting up and opening it he was standing there with your favorite snacks and drinks in hand. "Y/H, I'm so sorry, I love you and I don't want you to think I don't. Your everything to me and always will be." He said softly, bringing tears to your eyes you pulled him in your room where you both snuggled I'm bed together and watched Batman and Robin together.

I'm so sorry for to publishing yesterday, I've just been not feeling too well with my anxiety and it wears me out sometimes. But anyways I hope you like this one!!!

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