When you tell them no (preference)

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David- You tell him no when he asks to spend the night at your house. For one it was a horrible idea, there aren't very many great dark places for a vampire to hide out and sleep. And for another reason you didn't need someone finding him thinking he's some creepy man in your closet. 

He was a little grouchy when you told him no. You never told him no, " You never tell me no!" He said in annoyance.

Rolling your eye's, " Guess what, I just did." You shot right back, making him huff.

Dwayne- You told him no cause he wanted you to quit your job at the record store. He always thought boys went in there to flirt with you and get with you. There was one time some high school boy that did that, he was around your brother Sam's age and you declined his offers, telling him your taken and he's too young anyway. He was cool about it and went on his way,  going after your friend Star.

Dwayne noticed it too though, watching you decline, yet still feeling jealous. "He still goes there, Y/H! Why is he always there still after you told him no!?" He was raising his voice, something he rarely did.

"Dwayne settle down, for one he has a right to go in there, I mean it is a record store opened to the public. And for another he's mostly in there now cause he has the hots for Star now and she doesn't mind if he's chasing her around." You tell him with a little attitude. He stood there staring at you for a bit, watching his facial expressions go from furious to calm slowly.

"Oh...... Well how the hell was I supposed to know he was up Star's ass this whole time." He says in a somewhat relived tone, giggling you give him a peak on the lips to comfort him and let him know it's fine.

Paul- Telling him no cause he wanted to have sex and you didn't. You weren't ready and you told him that. He was perfectly fine with it though not pushing it any further and respecting it.

"Well, sex is great and all but have you ever tried cuddling while having a bunch of your favorite food surrounding you?" He said, smirking at how he noticed how that made you feel a lot better. He always knew how to make you feel better.

"I don't think so." You say with a giggle.

"Well what are we waiting for!! To the grocery store!" He jumped up, darting out of the cave like a child.

Marko- He wanted to try and see if you could walk on water. Of course he would do something like that, you thought wtf, he thought it could happen.

Let's just say it didn't work so well. " I TOLD YOU NO, NO, NO AND WHAT DO YOU DO?! PICK ME UP AND FLY ME OVER THE OCEAN AND PLOP ME RIGHT ON MY FEET ONLY FOR ME TO SINK!" You said furiously, you were soaking wet and cold cause you had to swim a little bit to get back to the beach cause he lost you and didn't remember were he put you.

"But did you die???!" He asked waving his hands in the air like it was no big deal.

"No, but I know someone who will in a minute!!!" You say glaring at him.

"Babes, I know your not talking about me, cause you can't kill someone who's already practically dead." He said smirking.

"Oh, I'll find a way." You say, turning to walk back to the others. Only for you to hear him whisper something under his breath.

"Can't even walk on water and now thinks she can find a way to kill someone who's already dead, pfft." He mumbled to himself.

I hope you like this one! I'm probably doing an imagine next. Not sure of whom or of what either yet. But if anyone has ideas and requests then I'd be more than happy to do them!

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