Marko (date night) imagine

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It was 8:30 pm and you were up in your room getting ready to go out on a date with your boyfriend of three months, Marko. You hated to admit it cause it made you feel like a little school girl with just a crush, but you had butterflies and were nervous still, a good nervous mind you.

Finishing up your make up, giving one last look in the mirror at the dark blood red velvet dress with a black cropped top leather jacket and fishnet stockings and a pair of black heels. Turning heading down stairs your brother Michael rams right into you. You rolling your eyes, knowing fully well whats going to happen, " Where are you going? If your going out your not going dressed like that. " There it was.

You huff, " I'm going on a date, and there's nothing wrong with how I'm dressed thank you very much, now I need to go. " You say, pushing past him, ignoring his nagging to get back in the house. Finally making it to the boardwalk you see him. Your heart flutters and races as he looks up to see you, giving you a devilish grin. He walks up to you pulling you into a tight hug and kissing you on the cheek.

"You look gorgeous tonight, may I ask who the lucky fella is? " He says teasingly.

"Mmm well I don't know he should be here any minute if you wouldn't mind waiting around to meet him." You say giggling.

His expression changes a little, " Wait, really?!" He says in a jealousy tone, " I swear-" He starts but you give him a peck on the lips still laughing at his golableness.

"Kidding, kidding love. " You say laughing, seeing his face calm and brightening up. "So, where are we going? " You ask excitedly, knowing he's probably going to say 'its a surprise'.

He smirks at your excitement, " Well I'm not going to say its a surprise, " You knew he read your mind, " I did, " He laughed as you smacked his chest. "I wanted to take you back to the cave, I know how much you love it and love coming there so I got it all to ourselves and I picked up Chinese food for us to have, that's if you want to. " He says smiling at your sparkling eyes.

You smile gleefully and kiss his cheek, "Of course I do! As long as I'm spending time with you I'm happy with whatever." You say. He nodds, happily takes your hand and helps you on the back if his bike to head off to the cave. You both get there faster than you thought, helping you off his bike then leading you into the cave, where you both get comfortable.

He gets the box full of Chinese food for the both of you, sitting next to you on the couch.

( one hour later )

You got full pretty quickly, him on the other hand was still munching on some cookies and rice. You couldn't believe the appetite this man had. Dating him for three months you already found out what they were. You accepted him and his brothers, how couldn't you, you loved him, flaws and all.

Snuggling into his side, both of you talking about little things, him throwing flirtatious words at you, loving how you blush.

He started kissing the side of your neck, smirking cause he felt your blush while his cheek was rubbing up against yours. As he started getting lower to your collar bone there was a bunch of laughter coming from the caves entrance. He stops immediately and whips around to see his three brothers waltzing in, Paul whistling at you both. "So how's the date so far. " Paul asks, squeezing his way in between you both, you giggle a little at the growl noise Marko made and yelp when Paul sits on his hand. "What? Are you too busy for our friendship? " He asks, sounding hurt then smirking at you, making you laugh a little.

"Beat it, Paul!" Marko snaps, finally pulling his hand out from under Paul.

"Hey now, we wanted to see how Y/H is doing, so stuff it!" David said, squeezing his way on the couch as well, getting another annoyed noise out of Marko.

"She's just fine, she'll be even better when you guys drag your asses out of here, now leave!" He says to them.

Dwayne just sits on Marko, seeing there was no room to squeeze in. "This is comfy." He says happily.

" Mmmhkubggn. " Marko says, muffled noises since Dwayne's back was smashed up against his face.

"Did you hear something? " David looked at Dwayne. He shrugs his shoulders and shakes his head.

You laugh at the seen, still on the couch kinda squished up against the arm from everyone sitting on it. "Mgjjvf" Markos muffled voice says again.

" I could've sworn I heard something. " David said looking at Dwayne with a teasing questioning look.

Paul playfully agrees, Dwayne leans a little forward, turning his head to see Marko, "oh Marko! Is that you!?" Paul asks.

"That's it, all of you! GET OUT! " Marko yells, shoving Dwayne off on to the floor and smacking David on the back of the head making him stand up rubbing his head and kicking Paul off the couch. "OUT!" He yells.

"Settle down Esmeralda, we're leaving, we're leaving. " Paul says waving his hand in the air as they all exit the cave.

As soon as they were gone and out, Marko finally turns back to you with a flirtatious smile, "Now, where we?" He says wiggling his eyebrows.

You were way out of the mood now, laughing too much. He sighs and smiles at you. "Cuddling is always amazing too. " He says happily, while you drift off to sleep on him.

Thank you for the request! I hole this is amazing and you enjoy itヾ(・m・*)ノ゛requests opened!

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