David's greedy/ Markos protective ( imagine)

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David hated any relationship that was a vampire and a human. It made no sense to him, if your a vampire why would you want to just sit and watch the one your with grow old and age when you can change them and both of you can be young forever together.

He rolled his eyes when he seen you and Marko snuggled up on the couch. He tried convincing Marko several times that it should be done, telling him all the reasons why and trying to make him realise it's the only thing that makes sense. But Marko was not having any of it, he stood his ground and rejected the suggestion many times.

Marko didn't do it cause he simply didn't want to ruin your life. You never really actually said what your opinion was on it, not wanting to get into it with both him and David. You actually never thought about it before, never giving it a second thought or worry about it cause maybe you simply didn't care either, as long as your with Marko then your happy.

It was a hot night in Santa Carla and you were out with Star on the boardwalk. The boys were out feeding so you decided to take a girls night out, well half girls bought half laddie tagging along. Both of you laughing while Laddie walked in between the both of you wondering what you both were even talking about. Laddie stopped, pulling on Star's hand, " What is it, Laddie?" She asked him a little concerned.

"I have to go. " He said blushing hard and looking down at the ground, you both giggle a little at his cuteness, you said you'd go wait by the Max's record store while she brought him. Nodding she ushered Laddie along to the restrooms. You went and sat on the bench outside of Max's record store, watching the people walk on by and loving the sound of the music the band was playing. Just relaxing and enjoying the time to yourself when you felt someone grab your arm, whipping your head around to see whom it was that wanted your attention, David.

"David, gosh you scared me," You said, putting a hand over your chest and breathing in deep, " Whar are you doing here, I thought you were with the boys?"

He smirked at your jumpyness, " Well I'm done feeding, knowing them being picky they'll take longer." He informed with a shrug of his shoulders and sitting next to you. Nodding, you go back to relaxing, just watching people walk by again. "So, care for a drink?" David asked after a few minutes of just sitting there.

You look at him for a little bit, contemplating whether or not you should, " I guess so, maybe it'll help me relax a little better." Smiling at that he stands offering a hand out for you to take, you happily accept and you both walk to the bar that's a few store's down from Max's record store. When you enter, it was practically empty. Odd, this was a popular bar you thought. Not thinking so much into it tho you sit down with David at one of the tables after a got a bottle from the bar tender.

" Hope you like red wine." He smiles at you simply.

Shrugging, " I don't mind it, thank you." You say as he hand you the bottle. Taking the cork out and taking a little sip from the bottle. You made a disgusted face and put it down, this didn't taste like red wine. It was horrid, you look up at David to see him smirking at you.

"What's the matter, Y/H? Too strong?" He chuckles. You were feeling warm and light headed, the last thing you heard before passing out was Davids voice, " Sleep well sister, we'll be here waiting." His chuckles fading as you blacked out.

(Markos POV)

We finished our feeding and went to the boardwalk to meet up with Star, Laddie, and Y/H. I couldn't wait to see her, I got to see her just before feeding but I loved her and her company, she was so sweet and kind and loving. I've been getting aggravated by David and his nagging and begging to change her, what's there to change, she's perfect.

Not that I don't plan on ever changing her but not when she's still 17. I want to wait a few years, make it special for her, something between me and her only, not like what we did with Michael, that was not special it was just what it was, a show to out on for us and a life changing act to give him. An addition to our group was all.

We make it to the boardwalk, parking our bikes where we usually park them. I look to see Davids bike there but no David, scanning around in search if where he could be I spotted Star and Laddie hut no Y/H. Where could she be, she was supposed to be with them.

"Where's Y/H?" I ask Star as she and Laddie make it to us, Laddie going to hang with Paul and Dwayne who were watching the scene.

Star shook her head with a worried look on her face, we all knew how close they were. "She told me she was going to wait for us at Max's record store but when we went there she wasn't there."

"Alright, alright guys settle down, maybe she just got sidetracked by some window shopping and wondered into one of the stores." Paul said shrugging. Made sense I thought, she could've just got board waiting and decided to pass the time by browsing around.

I nod, " Ya, your right Paul, maybe she did." I agreed, he beamed with pride, puffing his chest out like Superman and twirling in a circle with his hands on his hips.

" Don't get ahead of yourself there Alphonso." Dwayne said making Paul stick his tongue out at him.

"Don't be jealous cause I came up with a brilliant solution to the problem there hard boy." Paul said.

"...... You know how wrong that just sounded." Dwayne said.

For once Paul didn't have the dirty mind, I snickered. That's when David came prancing up and leaning against his bike. "Where have you been?" I asked him.

He smirked, his famous smug smirk he gave everyone when he was or did do something that somehow involved you in on it. "I just brought Y/H to the cave, she was feeling tired and practically passed out on the bench outside of Max's." He said simply.

Star gave him a weird look while she leaned next to him on his bike. "She seemed perfectly fine to me." David looked at her for a moment and then to me like he knew I was suspicious.

"Funny, cause she told me she was exhausted." He said, playing it off like it wasn't a big deal. That didn't stop me from being suspicious still though.

" Well guess I'll go back to the cave then so I'm there when she wakes up." I say, getting on my bike, seeing David shuffle a little.

"We'll all go." He said to everyone, Dwayne, Paul, Michael, Star just staring at him like he had three heads but getting on there bikes. Star on the back of Michaels, Laddie on the back of Dwayne's. We all road off to the cave.

(At the cave)

When we entered, I seen Y/H sleeping on the couch. Something didn't feel right, she looked pale, at least a lot more than normal. I started to feel my temper rise. I was beginning to get furious, I was starting to see red. I knew exactly where he was and what he did. How could he!! It wasn't his place and sure as hell wasn't the time either!

Whipping around to face him, " Why!?" I yelled, "I had everything planned out, it was supposed to be something special between me and her and you went behind my back and swept her off her feet and changed her!!!" I was walking over to him now, ready to shred him up. Paul and Michael had to grab me.

"Settle down Marko, settle down." Michael said, trying to calm me while holding me back.

I laugh, " Settle down?!! Your telling me to settle down, piss off Michael?!!"

"Look what's done is done, it may be shitty but it's what it is," Dwayne said, standing by the couch to see how long she had left to wake up. "Ik your mad, you have every right to be, I'd be mad too. But we're not going to make anything any better or get anywhere fighting." He said calmly.

" Dwayne's right, Marko, the best you can do now is to just be there for her when she wakes up." David said sincerely. I looked at him, breathing heavily from my rage I had trying to get at him, calming down now finally and hanging my head nodding. "It was what was best Marko." He said.

I stared at him hard, still feeling rage, but knowing there wasn't anything left to do but just be there for her. Comfort her and show her our ways properly. I guess if my plan was meant to be it would've been, but I guess I'm going to just have to make a new one, one where I can help her with her first kill and how to live as a vampire in this world, one where I'm the one who welcomes her to our family. Where we'll live ageless together forever.

Hope everyone likes this one, it was a suggestion and I thought I'd give it a try. Thank you for reading, lots of love! ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ゙

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