Chapter 12: Taken

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A/N: Hey, guys! I hope you enjoy this one.

-Chapter 12-

Unlike the last time Sakura woke up with Sasuke in her bed, this time he was shaking her.

"Sakura, wake up!" His voice, although low, was urgent. "Sakura, c'mon!"

"What? What is it?" She opened her eyes groggily. "What's the hurry?"

"Kakashi-sensei told me to wake you up. He needs to tell us something." He replied, going over to her drawers. He opened it and seemed to search around for a while.

"Whoa, hey-!" She sat up, but not quick enough, as he threw some clothes at her. "Who said you could pick my outfit?"

He turned to stare at her.

She shut up when she saw the look in his eye.

"This is serious." He deadpanned. "Something you'll want to hear."

He left her room, thankfully, but said he'd be right outside her door.

As soon as the door shut, she went to work. She threw the covers off, already pulling the nightgown over her head. She put on some black basketball shorts and a black tank top, putting a red sweater over it.

She ran her brush through her hair enough to get it to both detangle it and make it flat, checked her appearance in the full-length mirror on her closet, and went for the door.

Sasuke turned to her and followed behind as she speedwalked to the living room.

"Kakashi-sensei, what's the fire?" She asked breathlessly, eyes wide.

He looked up from something he'd been writing on with a grimacing frown.

"Sakura," he began, "you may want to sit down."

"It's not Ino, is it?" The thought terrified her too much, and her legs began to wobble.

"No," Naruto piped up from beside their teacher, his countenance distraught with fear and frustration. "It's Hinata."


"Sakura!" Ino cried out at the cafeteria, throwing her arms around the girl. "I'm so glad you're safe!"

"What happened to Hinata?" She asked.

Tenten glowered at the table. "The asshole came in the night, while they were sleeping. Nobody in the cabin heard a thing."

The pinkette growled, slamming her fist against the table. "Are they gonna let us search, at least?"

"No," Temari chimed in. Her face was cast with shadows, dark bags underneath her eyes. She looked exhausted. "They're only gonna let the adults look, and they're gonna put us all in here until they get back."

"That's stupid!" Sakura cried. "That makes us easy targets!"

"But it also makes it easy for us to catch who's doing this," Ino reminded. "Believe me, I hate it too. But you've gotta admit, this is one of the best things they can do right now."

"It is weird, though," the brunette glanced out the window to where the cabins were. "When I was coming down, I saw two cabins with weird... claw-marks on them."

Wait. What?

Sakura echoed those thoughts as soon as she'd thought them. "Wait, what?"

"Two cabins... ah, I forget what numbers they were! Two of the cabins had these weird claw marks on them." Tenten gave her a weird look. "What, you didn't see that?"

"Which cabins?" The pinkette pressed, leaning against the table. A bad feeling was brewing in her stomach, although she couldn't tell if it was just fear or if it was a Stomach Virus Round 2.

"Um..." She squinted hard. "I... uh... I think one of them was... seven...?"

The bad feeling got worse, and now she knew. "Tenten, that's my cabin... I'm in cabin 7! Which means..."

"There must be someone this person's trying to get!" Ino realized with a gasp. "But who could they want? I doubt they're looking for Naruto."

"Unless the principal had what they wanted..." She muttered. She shook it off. "No, that... doesn't seem right. What would Namikaze-sama have that some kidnapper would want?" Nobody's gone after Naruto directly before...

"Um, money from when he stepped down, the control of an academy that houses first to eighth graders, literally anything someone in power has?" Temari stared at the three of them as if they'd just said that Gaara was going to be the principal of Konoha Private Junior Academy.

All three stared right back.

"No, that's stupid." Ino huffed. "Anyone can do that. Heck, if I were even an ex-mayor, I'd bet you fifty bucks that I'd be one of the first targets in an act of terrorism."

"Besides, he has enhanced security due to his status." Tenten reminded. "He already guessed that he'd be next."

Temari's left eye twitched. Perhaps involuntarily.


Sasuke grumbled as Naruto continued to talk.

It had been a good- he looked at his watch and resisted the urge to sigh -fifteen minutes since they'd been locked in the cafeteria, and all the blond had done was spout some stupid, annoying theories about what the adults were doing at the moment.

He almost wished Sakura would come over and slap some sense into him, because if she didn't, then he may just end up doing it for her.

Fortunately, one of the other boys at the table managed to direct the conversation elsewhere, and now they were talking about the latest knockoff video game console, or something.

Anything to distract from the cold fear that had enveloped their bodies only half an hour before. Even now, it was unnerving to think about.

He began to think about it more. What would the kidnapper gain from taking a shy, unassertive heiress over practically anyone else? Hell, even the Neji prick would be a better capture, and he wasn't even going to inherit the main branch of the company!

Heiress that may not even get the company... why not go after a big-ticket kid? Like... Naruto...?

Then something struck him as off.

Earlier, while putting out some inane theory about who was behind this amid some quotes from that Hairy Potter book series or whatever it was called (honestly, Sasuke just couldn't be bothered to remember.), between the 'my father will be hearing about this' and various other Draco quotes (the one character he bothered to learn the name of, as he found the character the easiest to listen to), he'd mentioned slash marks up and down one side of the cabins. It was almost as if a gigantic monster had been trying to claw its way in somehow.

A chill went up his spine, but to his benefit, he didn't show it.

He got up from the table and crossed the room over to where his pink-haired housemate was sitting. Perhaps her group would have ideas.

-End Chapter 12-

A/N: Thanks for waiting. I'm sorry this was so short... hopefully the next chapter makes up for it!

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