"This place is huge!"

A door off to the right opened and a portly woman with stark white hair came into the room followed by the most well dressed little boys Rain had ever seen. They were wearing pleated khaki shorts with navy blazers. Sunny wasn't far behind them, looking slightly disheveled in comparison as one of her bows was sliding down her hair.

"Mommy!" Sunny exclaimed.

"Tsk!" The woman said sternly and Sunny froze. "What did we discuss Miss Sunny?"

"Young ladies do not shout when indoors."

Rain opened her mouth to give this woman a piece of her mind but was shocked into silence when a wide grin broke out on the woman's face.

"You are such a clever girl, Miss Sunny," she said caressing her cheek gently.

Sunny beamed up at her and grabbed her hand pulling her over toward Rain. "Mommy. This is Nanny Schmidt."

"How do you do, Miss Dae?" Mrs. Schmidt asked with a smile, extending her hand to Rain. She had a thick German accent and a kind demeanor.

"I'm fine," Rain replied hesitantly.

"Your daughter is an angel of a child," Mrs. Schmidt said. "I must admit, I was worried about how the boys would get on with her but they've become fast friends."

Rain's gaze fell on the two boys who were standing perfectly still behind Mrs. Schmidt. She smiled at them. "Hello there."

"Hello," they chorused together.

The boy with the curly blonde hair stepped forward. He looked nothing like Adam in Rain's opinion. "My name is Jonathan," he said calmly. He seemed very serious to be only seven years old.

"And my name is Alexander!" the other boy said. He was the spitting image of his father, with his dark brown locks and bright blue eyes.

"It's a pleasure to meet you. I'm sure we're going to have lots of fun together," Rain said with a smile.

Mrs. Schmidt glanced at the clock. "Oh dear. Look at the time! I've got to get the children ready for dinner."

"What's to get ready?" Rain asked.

Mrs. Schmidt looked at her as if she had two heads. "They must get changed into their dinner attire! You should probably get going so you can dress as well."

Rain looked down at the dress Rebecca had given her earlier that day. "What's wrong with this?"

Somewhere behind her Noah groaned. "Did you even look at your contract before you signed it?"

Rain rolled her eyes and took Sunny's hand. "Come on Sunny. Apparently, I have some more reading to do."


Rain stared at her reflection in the large mirror in her bathroom and sighed. She really wished she had read her contract more carefully. They were all expected to dress in semi-formal attire for dinner. Every night! She didn't have enough clothes in her wardrobe for that.

At first, she thought she would just have to head into town, wherever town was, and get some more clothes after she received her first paycheck. But alas, it was not to be. She was not allowed to leave the grounds. For any reason. At any time.

She huffed and pulled on a cardigan over the short black cocktail dress she was wearing in an attempt to dress it down a bit.

Sunny came running into the bathroom looking adorable in a pale pink dress a moment later. "Mommy we're going to be late!"

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