14 jimin

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"I'm already tracer!" Jimin yelled as Jungkook continued to complain about wanting to be Tracer. "Why don't you be widowmaker instead?" Jungkook whined and dramatically huffed. "I'm a tracer main, idiot." "Oh-" "And I'm better with close combat, You're better with sniping, remember?" "Right." Jimin laughed at Jungkook's groan of disappointment and playfully elbowed him. 

"our team fucking SUCKS" Jungkook had his third fit that night, on the verge of rage quitting. "It's because our support sucks, kook." "I know that, and I hate it." he pouted and crossed his arms across his chest. Jimin rolled his eyes and set the remote down, watching as Jungkook punched the air from his seated position. "kook-" "What?" "You look like a fool." Jimin snorted and tried to hold back his giggles. "Shut up." He mumbled lightheartedly as he leaned his head against the foot of Jimin's bed. 

"Have you talked to Suga lately?" Jungkook asked as he glared at the screen, still pressed about losing. "No. not really." Jimin admitted with a frown. "Maybe you should talk to him?" Jimin shrugged. "He's probably busy right now." Jungkook sighed quietly and shook his head. "Fine, whatever. We should let loose a little tonight, are you up for an underground club?" "An.... underground club-?" Jimin asked innocently. "Yes, an underground club. They're only open twice a month and Taehyung says there's a shit ton of extremely talented rappers there, you like rappers don't you? maybe you might find your soulmaatteee~!" The younger teased as he nudged jimin's side. the older allowed himself to be prodded in the side, swaying gently with the movement. "My only soulmates are BamBam and Agust D." he pouted when Jungkook dramatically gasped. "Agust D? BamBam?! You like them?!" Jimin nodded, confused a little. "They're both performing tonight Jimin! Now we gotta go!" Jungkook yelped as he jumped up and turned off the xbox one console and his computer, grabbing Jimin's arm and dragging him to his closet.

"Okay, so, Legend says that Agust D likes guys AND girls. as for guys, those rich, ceo looking guys that aren't actually rich you know? They just know how to look presentable when they should. and mysterious guys. ones that like to hide in darkness. not physically but.. they dont show off too much." Jungkook informed with a finger raised. "So... He likes himself?" Jimin asked, head tilted. "No! I mean yes- wait.. what kind of question is that?!" Jungkook asked as he spun around, grabbing a black turtleneck shirt from behind Jimin, along with black high waisted skinny jeans. "Here." He muttered as he shoved them against Jimin's chest, before grabbing a burgundy blazer and laying it on top of the clothing he was already holding. "Go change, I'll get something from my side of the closet." Jungkook stuck his tongue out and turned back around while Jimin rolled his eyes. 

(sorry i'll finish the next part later, im just super excited to publish this)

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