2 - jimin

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Jimin was in a particularly happy mood today, He was grateful for that. He spun his toothbrush in his grasp and squeezed the mint green toothpaste onto the fine bristles. He swiped a little bit over his tongue, Enjoying the stinging feeling the minty flavor left.

Just as he began his skincare routine, His phone went off. "Are you Joking, This better not be Jungkook asking i-"

He went speechless as he read the text that was presented to him in a gray bubble.

Unknown Number:
Hobi, I can't fucking do this anymore. I want to rip my hair out and scream for no particular fucking reason. I just want to feel normal, But I just cant. I'm not on the verge of death, So I dont need a therapist, I wouldn't talk to them anyway.

Jimin's heart sank to his feet and he had to shed a tear for it to come back.

He began pacing his room, Trying to decide if he should act like 'Hoseok' or not. A small whine escaped his throat when he figured out he'd be lying so he decided against it.

Hey.. You've got the wrong number.💖💛
Also, It's better to see a
therapist sooner before later.
Please reconsider it..

Don't rip your hair out but you can scream.

I don't know you, But i would like to.
Read, 10:33 p.m

Jimin swallowed hard. He was scared he would reject him or worse, Get mad. He scratched his pale skin and sighed lightly. The blonde haired boy placed his phone face-down and began washing his cheeks, Immediately stopping to the light 'ding' of his phone again. Jimin froze.

He didn't know if he wanted to read the text or not.

What if he's mad? His breath caught in his throat and his brown eyes began to water. What if he hates me? Despises me? Wants me to die? He began to panic, Scratching his arms more violently. "Mom.." he squeaked out quietly as a silent sob made its way out of his throat.

When the same sound erupted from his phone again, he pulled himself together and decided that he was, In fact, going to answer it. What if it's ugent? He nodded, His blonde locks swaying with the movement and sighed deeply, Before grasping his phone and looking at the screen with fear written all over his face.

Unknown number:
Shit, I'm so sorry you had to read my bullshit.

And I've tried therapists, trust me, But they fucking suck. I hate their mocking voices and I hate when they say "oh yeah it's going to be okay" when it never is. Depression never leaves! It's stuck with you for the rest of your life and it sucks. I wish I could fix myself.

Honestly, It's okay.
Feel free to vent whenever you want.
I love to listen and give advice

And shit, I know exactly what you mean.

You don't need to be fixed,
You aren't broken, You just need tape.

I consider tape attention,
Because it's useful in only some situationsand it usually helps
But only temporarily.

Unknown Number:
Thank you. That means a shit ton.

I Dont think I need tape, I need glue.

Then can I be your glue?

Message not sent

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