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jimin turned to his side to face jungkook. he was on his phone, smiling softly momentarily. "who are you texting?" jimin asked extremely quietly, he was surprised himself when jungkook turned to look at him.


jimin nodded slowly and turned around again, feeling emotionally strained.

jungkook turned his phone off, after telling taehyung he was going to sleep. he knew jimin was feeling down, he heard small sniffles followed by a small curse. jungkook frowned and set the phone to the side. he came here to hang out with jimin, not text taehyung; his roommate.

jimin fought back a smile as jungkook enveloped him in warmth, his steady breathing making his hair sway gently. jungkook pulled jimin slightly closer, and placed his left leg between jimin's legs. jungkook lazily left his arm draped over jimin's chest and jimin snuggled into his fairly oversized black and white striped shirt. jungkook had bought that shirt for him last year for his birthday, and jimin had always loved it. he found it hard to match things with it though.

jungkook twirled jimin's pink hair around his index finger, smiling faintly when he released it, and the pink locks were a little wavy. he continued to do this until he heard jimin's breaths get more lengthy and deep. he ran his hand down jimin's stomach, quietly gasping at how thin he'd gotten. he furrowed his eyebrows and lifted the corner of the shirt, pausing when jimin muttered something in his sleep.

jungkook sat agape at the sight in front of him.

jimin's ribs were so visible, it looked like you could cut yourself on them. He still had a little bit of a stomach, so jungkook took that as a good thing, but if jungkook tried, he could probably fit one of his fists under the smaller boy's ribs. he felt a small tear roll down his cheek, and as if on que, more started parading out.

soon he was full- on sobbing, hushed strangled cries rising at the back of his throat. he was so focused on trying not to cry, he didn't notice when jimin woke up, running his hands through his hair twice before flipping himself. when he saw jungkook crying, he was confused. very confused, since the younger never actually cried. and if he did, it was out of happiness.


the younger immediately placed on a smile and turned to jimin. "yeah?" he held back a giggle and jimin ran his fingers through his hair again.

"why're you crying?"

"i'm not" jimin sighed. "you're a really bad liar." jungkook laughed dryly and patted jimin's head. "go look in the mirror. you look like that old 7-eleven dude." jimin rolled his eyes and got up.

he looked in the mirror. and he did indeed look like the character jungkook described him as. but he knew jungkook well enough to know that he covered up his sadness with humor.

while he was in there, he fixed his hair and looked at himself in the mirror again. he winced when he saw how fat his cheeks were. he rolled up his sleeves. fat. pulled up his shirt. fat.

"when you get older, you'll be just like me!" jimin's grandmother laughed. she was a very heavy lady, weighing over 400 pounds. she was a kind lady, and jimin was very close with her. back then, jimin was only 12. he weighed 127 pounds and was 5'5. yes, he was chubby, but everyone seemed to find it cute.

jimin's poor grandmother died the next day from heart failure.

jimin didn't want to be like her. he didn't want to leave his children or even grandchildren so early. after all, she was only 61.

9 years later, he's still struggling with her death.

he was on the floor now, curled in on himself and bawling his eyes out, but not making a sound.

jungkook opened the door and pat jimin's back as he cried. "jiminie.." he murmured. "hey, someone's on the phone for you. his name's suga or something."

jimin was up in an instant.

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