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Yoongi's breath hitched when he heard what Jimin had just asked Hoseok.

Jimin was right, though. Hoseok was a fairly happy person, Yoongi didn't know how he managed to keep the smile on his face, but he didn't miss the falter in his smile.

"It's.. its not too hard. I guess. But I'm not always actually happy. I kinda just.. laugh to cope with depression? I dont know. It was hard at first, but now its become a habit and sometimes I cant tell my emotions apart. It's.. kinda sad when you think about it. Really sad." Hoseok chuckled lowly while Yoongi tried to contain his composure. "Hoseok.." yoongi murmured and the younger nodded. "Its fine. Sometimes I just dance to fix my emotions.. Yoongi. Makes music! Did you know that Jimin-ah?!" Hoseok asked excitedly, just the tone of his voice changing the mood immediately.

"N-no I didn't. You'll have to show me one time yeah yoongi? And if... and if you won't, I'll make Hobi do it." Jimin cooed.

It was quite obvious to the boys on the other side of the line that Jimin had cried and Hoseok smiled at the fact that he made someone who barely knew him cry.  Unintentionally, a golden laugh escaped Hosesok's throat, and soon jimin was laughing heartily along. Yoongi just grinned.

Because he knew this would be a moment they would remember.


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