06 - Pretty Face

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A whole week of torture wouldn't of seemed as bad if others had to endure it too. Unfortunately, Cora was the only human in the entire world that was forced to deal with Taehyung.

Granted he was cute but he was also extremely annoying.

He got into the habit of appearing when she least expected it -which doesn't seem as surprising considering he is 'apparently' a ghost- but when you find him staring at you in the reflection of your mirror, or at the end of your bed in the middle of the night... it shit's you up.

Cora knew exactly what he was doing (he was trying to get her attention) but all it achieved was for her to become more paranoid and afraid that she was going insane.

Work ironically was her only escape... for some reason he never showed up there to bother her - which was a relief for her sake.

"You seem agitated." Mira inspected aloud, watching in concern as her friend jittered in her seat all because of someone dropping a document a little too harshly.

Cora laughed it off, "I've not been getting much sleep lately."

Mira raised her brow unamused, "You don't say... is there a reason why?"

"Well now that you mention it, yes." She gritted her teeth anxiously.

Mira watched again as Cora peered around the office in fear before leaning in closer to her.

"I've been seeing someone." She whispered.

Mira's eyes lit up, "What?! Really! That's amazing, is it Jimin?"

Cora quickly shook her head, "No! No, I mean I'm seeing someone that's not there."

"What do you mean?" Mira asked, "Like he's emotionally unavailable?"

Cora threw her a look.

"Ooh!" Realisation instantly dawned on her, "What? Like an hallucination?!" She gasped.

"He shows up in my apartment, he claims it's his." Cora elaborated, the frustration clear in her voice.

She thought for a moment, "Maybe he's a ghost?"

"He's not a ghost!" She growled back.

Mira shrugged, "Why don't you find out? Ask your neighbours about the previous owner of your apartment, if they describe who you see then you know you're not crazy."

Cora smiled mischievously, "That actually sounds like a brilliant plan."

She tapped her head smugly, "I'm not just a pretty face, you know."


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