Chapter 33: Kidnapping the Kidnapper

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Teynana's P.o.v.

After Jacob pulled me into our first class. I was greeted by a sarcastic Ms.Miller.

" Woah Teynana. about time you came to school." She sneered.

"I've been busy." I shortly reply.

" To busy to come to school? Like what? Your grades have fall so low I'm nervous for you. What is your excuse?"

"Look,some things are better unknown so get you krinkyly ass nose from up my business I'm tiered of finding it there all the time." I swore. Everyone in class chukled.

"I was just curious." She mumbled.

"Well curiosity killed the cat innt?" I said. "I tell ya but I duress I'd have ta kill ya." I smirk making the class laugh.

"Back to work! Teynana don't!" she scolded. I raised my hands up in surrender.

" Whatever Ms. Mills chill." I call her by her nick name.

She gave me a look that said stop-it. and I gave her a look that said fuck-no!

She sighed and went back to the lesson.

By time lunch came. I was with Sunshine, Lucy and we were walking down the hall talking about sweet nothings.

"BABY I MISSED YOU!!!" A male voice cried. Soon two strong arms wrapped around my waist and hoisted me up spin ng me as I squealed in surprise.

Then I laughed, for some reason I loved being swung. Wiered right? I know.

He sat me down and I tripped very unstable and dizzy and Mason caught me.

"Hey Oh my god I missed you!" he kissed my cheek then hugged me tightly.

"Hey Mase!" I patted his back.

We pulled back as Sunshine and Lucy laughed.

"You might not wanna kiss her any more." Lucy says.

"Yup Jacob already is protective over her now I'm pretty sure he'll be coming to see where she's at. He's sitting at our table today."Sunshine smiles cheekily.

"Well at least I'm not that kind of couple like some one I know." I looked at sunshine with a mischievous look. she flushed red and turned her gaze to something else. I chuckled loudly.

"Come on then." Mason casually slung his arm over my shoulder. I smiled and we walked in to the lunch room.

Suddenly all eyes were on me as I walked through. I heard someone whisper.

"Jacob just claimed her and the slut is already fucking around with Mason. Psshh. He needs someone way better." I turned o see a blonde bimbo .

"I heard that sweet pee. But your all fucked up types of wrong baby girl." I sassed then walked to my table where Jacob was.

Blonde bimbos these days. Ugh.

I sat next to Jacob while everyone else filled in and started talking.

Then I was pulled on to Jacob's lap his chin rested on my shoulder.

"What took you so long?" he asked.

" Mason." was all I had to say before he nodded and at a fry form his lunch. I wasn't really hungry so I stole his apple and bought some cranberry juice while we all talked.

My phone rung and I shifted on Jacob's lap to grab my phone.

"Hello?" I answered.

"I...I love you! please help us." I shot up out my seat and immediately everyone got quiet.

"Christian?!" I shouted through the phone. Everyone heads shot up at my table and looked at me with mixed emotion.

"Yes,Teynana PLEASE!  I CAN'T TAKE THIS NO MORE! THEY KEEP HURTING ME AND KEYNNA AND I CAN'T KEEP PROW- PROW....? I can't keep not letting them hurt her! Please make then stop! Come and get-" he was cut off. I heard Keynna's screams.

"Keynna?!" sun shines eyes watered "Hello?! Christian? Keynna?!" I panicked when I heard nothing but cries and screams thumps and stomps.

"Hey, I know you want them... So come and get them!" the the line went dead.

Nothing that was it. I stood frozen everybody's eyes own me. That done it. I let out frustrated scream and through my phone down as it shattered to pieces. The glass bounced of the ground in slow motion.

I turn to see Victoria smiling smugly. I stomped over to her aware of all the eyes.

"WHERE ARE THEY?!!" I shouted loudly slamming my fist onto the table hearing a small crunch.

"I don't know what you're-"

"Don't lie to me you bitch!" I slapped her leaving a hand print.

"Teynana don't-" it was Keenan I turned and shoved him away from me.

I brought my leg up and side kicked him in the chest causing him to fall and through a coughing fit.

I grabbed a punch of Victoria's hair before dragging her out the café. Jacob and everyone else on my hot heels I through the both in the car tying her hands and drove home.

I don't care if I just kidnapped Victoria I was gonna get then back.

When I got to the house I grabbed her hair and dragged her in the base meant throwing her on the ground.

"Where are they?!" I asked. she just chuckled. She fucking chuckled.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?! Huh Teynana?  Your kidnapping me? Can't you see that your so delusional. Can't you see how crazy you are? Fucking crazy bastard! What the hell are you gonna do to me?! Huh!!! I'll never tell you anything out wasting your fucking time!!" She shouted.

I sighed angrily and walked up to her holding her against the wall by her throat.

"I want to to know where they are?" I asked my voice so angry that it was calm and low so Threatening. Her eyes flushed with fear.

Her body stiffend as I whispered in her ear.

"All this shut you cause will come back to bite you so hard on the ass. And I'll be right there to laugh and hope the day I can piss and moonwalk all over your fucking grave." I spat dangerously and angrily.

With that I walked out slamming the door behind me.




Hey there people! kiki here!

How's it going for ya?

I hoped you guys like it do you think Teynana is going 'delusional' as Victoria put it?

How about Teynana and Jacob's relationship? Do you want a little more out of it? or naw?

Any questions?

I'll answer all!!






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