Chapter 32: I Am Sorry

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×Keenan's P.o.v.×(Boooooo!)

" I don't care you need to talk to them. They haven't Ben trying anything so now you need to rile them up." My boss Kale said.

"But sir, I really never wanted-"

"Now you listen to me mutt. And you listen good. You were part of this. If you fuck up and get us caught I can have your head on a silver platter less the two seconds while being in jail. I have people all over. You will do as I say and you'll do it right or I'll kill you right here my self!" He slammed his hand on the desk while standing.

"Fine." I utter.

"As soon as this is over we'll go back to the dealing but we have to this." he convinced

I wasn't.


"Keenan Brown look at this." He shows me a video of men hiding around my house with guns loaded.

"All I have to do Keenan is tell the to attack. And all your family will be dead just like your mom dad and sister." He said. " These people are all you have so I suggest you stop right here and do as I fucking say." He spats. I lower my head in submission and nod curtly.

"Fine." I mutter.

"Good." he gives me a nasty coffee stained smile. " Now go."

Jacob's P.o.v.

"Come on tee. Your being ridiculous." I sigh sliding NY back down her door.

"Jacob. I. Don't. Want. To. Go." she says on the other side. I was about to give up when she opens the door fully dressed.

Black jeans and white Jordan's and a white T-shirt with a black scull. Her now jet black hair fell down glossy like wet Noddles. Her piercings shining in the light glossy lip gloss and dark make up on. Her tattoo evident on her neck.

"But I know I have to go." her angelic voice brings me back to reality.

" Come on." I take her hand. We walk to my motorcycle and she perks up and runs to it.

"Gosh I love this contraption!" she smiles childishly.

"You should smile more often." I thought out loud. It's been a while since I seen her lessen up and smile and be her regular.

" I'll smile more when the world decides to give me a break." She mutters bitterly. I just nod and hop on.

I hand her a helmet and she clicks it on the hold me tight around the torso.

"Scared?" I smirk.

"Hell yeah. I love this thing but you got the speed of a race driver and I'm to young to die." Her chuckles vibrate my back.

When we got to school everyone was a bit surprised. I don't blame them teynana's looks different and we haven't been to school since the day Tee beat the crap out of my big brother and Victoria. Sunshine hasn't been to school much either nor has Johnathan.

And from the whispers Keenan gets from everyone I  can tell he hasn't been here either.

"Jacob can I talk to you." Keenan walks straight up to me. I can feel Teynana tense up next to me. I guess he noticed it too.

"Please." he begs. Everyone takes a step back cautiously when Teynana beats me to speak.

"And why should we listen to you?!" she spat everyone wincing at the tone of her cold heartless like voice.

"I need to tell you guy I am sorry." He said.

"No your not you kidnapping women beater!!" she grew angrier.

"JUST LISTEN!" he shouts in her face and I grew angry.

"Do NOT speak to my girlfriend that way!" I said pulling tee closer to me my arm tight and protective around the waist.

"She's your girlfriend now?" his voice seemed sad then it grew full of anger and pure rage. " Why didn't you tell me!?" he growled put.

"It's none of your business! You weren't here you were with your slut and possibly world ng with that devil with my little man and Keynna!" I yell. People gasp all around.

" I-"

"You what Keenan?! Your such a bitch! I thought you were better then this!" Teynana screams and in tangle my death grip and stalks off.

I shake my head and run after her.


I turn back around and punch him straight in the jaw.

"I told you not to talk to my girlfriend like that." I spat and ran back after Teynana. I found her by the lockers looking distant.

"Tee..." My voice came small as she pulled out a cigarette in attempt to smoke.

I walked up to her and time the cigarette out of her hand.

"You don't smoke tee." I said.

"I try. I did. It helps me relax." She said not meeting my eyes.

"You really shouldn't baby." I said.

"Jake. I know i'm fucked up. I mean I look like a emo I'm totally wasted and I understand If you're embarrassed to call me your girlfriend. I know I would be." She says not meeting my eyes. I can here the bitterness in her voice but it wasn't toward me but it was toward her self.

"No. Idc I love you regardless. You would always be my childhood crush even if we didn't remember before we met." I say told her and lift her chin up with my finger.

"I love you tee. Regardless." I say and kissed the side of her mouth. " I'll wait for you." I then kiss her.

The kiss was slow gentle and sweet. I thought about the way she smiles and laughs. She's a great person and very strong too. I love this girl

The Bad Boy's Girl{Currently editing}Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu