Prayer Is The Key

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"And he spake a parable unto them to this end, that men ought always to pray, and not to faint; (Luke 18:1 KJV)

We only pray when we need Miracle, and healing. There's more to prayer. Prayer is not really a means of getting God attention, prayer is a fellowship.

When Michael Jackson died and an autopsy was to carried out on the cause of his Death, the Doctors found out that the man bones has been "reformed" in such a way to aid his dancing steps!

Meaning, he has Dance! Danced! Danced!! And Danced!!! To the extent that his bones now look like something that want to Dance! No wonder he can Roll on the spot, do the moonwalk, jump, and so many wonders he did with Dance.

Same happened to Elijah, he Prayed And Prayed to the extent that putting Nature on hold for Three and half years became nothing.

Same with Daniel, five times in a day he Prayed. No wonder as a captive, he became Lord over Babylon.

What about Paul, he was so devoted to fellowship that Evil Spirits know his Name.. "Paul we know.."

Jesus so devoted to Prayer, that his enemies never caught him unaware. He's always prepared.

When things are Good You Pray.. When things Are Bad You Pray

When all seem well with you You Pray.. When all goes wrong with you You Pray

When the Nation is having Peace You Pray.. When the Nation is facing challenges You Pray

Men ought Always to Pray and never to Give up or complains. Be a Praying Machine!

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