Supposed Normal Human Life

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When John came, he didn't eat or drink AS YOU DO. And people say, 'He has a demon.' But when the Son of Man came, he ate and drank AS YOU DO. And people say, 'This fellow is always eating and drinking far too much. He's a friend of tax collectors and "sinners." ' Those who act wisely prove that wisdom is right." (Matthew 11:18, 19 NIRV)

This version of Bible (New International Revised Version) gives better quote of these verses unlike King James Version that's saying something else.

KJV says "for John came NEITHER eating NOR DRINKING.." That is to say that John didn't eat nor drink at all which is wrong. John ate and drank but not like the way others do. John pay more attention to his Spiritual life and these makes him more Religious minded than the Pharisees who are the Teachers of the Laws and Religion.

Jesus on the other part wasn't a drunkard and a glutton as KJV claimed. Simply put, Jesus lived a Normal Human Life.

What's a Normal Human life?

A life free of Apartheid. A life that knew no differences between white and black. A life that supersede Religion. A life that can't tell the differences between Christianity and Islamic or others. A life that knew no barriers. A life that doesn't separate friends from enemies. A life of unity and Peace. A life that looks beyond four walls.

This is the Gospel. This is True Christianity.

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