About Hell 2

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And he cried and said, Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus, that he may dip the tip of his finger in water, and cool my tongue; for I am tormented in this flame. (Luke 16:24 KJV)

I should explain these in Barnes commentary for those who want to know about Hell.

..Dip the tip..- This was a small favor to ask, and it shows the greatness of his distress when so small a thing would be considered a great relief.

..Cool my tongue..- The effect of great "heat" on the body is to produce almost insupportable thirst. Those who travel in the burning deserts thus suffer inexpressibly when they are deprived of water. So "pain" of any kind produces thirst, and particularly if connected with fever. The sufferings of the rich man are, therefore, represented as producing burning "thirst," so much that even a drop of water would be refreshing to his tongue... It is simply an idea to represent the natural effect of great suffering, and especially suffering in the midst of great heat.

..I am tormented..- It means he is in anguish - insupportable distress.

..In this flame..- The lost or unbelievers are represented as suffering "in flames," because "fire" is an image of the severest pain that we know

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