Who Betrayed Me

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Who Is My Betrayal or My Enemy?

My best and truest friend, who ate at my table, has even turned against me. (Psalms 41:9 NCV)

Jesus did well when he says.. "Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, and pray for those who mistreat you" because we don't truly know who our enemy is.

Someone mistreating you doesn't make such your enemy, it might be out of envy. Someone who hate you may not be your enemy, such might be out of jealousy.

An enemy is your best friend you told your problem instead of providing solution.. "..whisper about me and think the worst about me. They say, "He has a terrible disease. He will never get out of bed again." (Psalms 41:7, 8 NCV). They magnified your problem.

Judas was describing Jesus to the soldiers, he said ".. The one I shall kiss is the man; Arrest him" (Matthew 26:48 AMP). The Man who fight you, may not be your enemy, the one who kiss you may be.

Finally, the reason enemy prevail against us.. "All the people who are your friends will force you out of the land. The people who are at peace with you will trick you and defeat you. Those who eat your bread with you now are planning a trap for you, and you will not notice it." (Obadiah 1:7 NCV). An enemy prevail because they are our friends.

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