Fear Is A Spirit

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Fear Is A Spirit! When spirit of fear grip one heart, he open up to torment. He began to be afraid of everything to the extent of his own shadow. Fear Is a spirit.

Fear comes through Information you received, through NEWS updates, through Reports.. I remember the reason I didn't write JAMB was because of fear of failure. So I seek for an alternative for Admission. What a pity! I wish I knew better.

But Isaiah says "Who hath believed our report? and to whom is the arm of the Lord revealed? (Isaiah 53:1 KJV). There's a report for a child of God that is beyond the information you receive, the NEWS updates, the Reports from folks and so on..

There's a report that says when men are cast down then shall you say there's a lifting up.. There's a report that says you shall not be afraid of the terror by Night, arrow that fly by day, pestilence that walk in darkness, destruction that waste at noonday. There's a report that says you shall be the head and not the tail. There's a report that says Surely, goodness and mercy shall follow you all the days of your life. There's a report concerning you that says you have a sound mind. There's a report that says the glory of your latter shall be greater than of the former

Don't be Afraid of Anything as long as this earth is concern. Face your fear with what God says concerning you and you shall come out victoriously.

MY SOCIAL NETWORK POST 2014Where stories live. Discover now