Echoes Part 6

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In the cave Danny crashed in, he regains consciousness outside the rubble, laying flat on his back against the floor out of his ghost form. It's been a few hours since he last fought and he can barely even stand at his current state. Slowly, the ghost boy opens his nice blue eyes.

Danny opening his eyes: Urrgh...

When Danny opens his eyes, he's surprised to see Grup the Dragon, Prug the Older Dragon, Skullivan the Moody Skeleton, and Lady Hiss the Snake.

Grup: Good morning!

Danny quickly getting up with a ghost ray charged: AGH..! AAGH! (Goes intangible)

Skullivan: Well that's a first. All these years with no skin stuck with you guys, and only now someone's scared of us!

Lady Hiss: I hope he's alright. It seems like we've scared the spirit out of him.

Danny turning back human against the wall: O-oh. It's you from V and P's house. Sorry. What's your name again?

Grup: I am Grup. And these are all my pals. Prug.

Prug waving: Hello!

Grup: Skullivan.

Skullivan: Sup?

Grup: And the fabulous Lady Hiss.

Lady Hiss: Nicccce to meet you.

Danny: ...Uh-huh. Nice to meet you too. (Turns to cave opening) I'd love to chat an all, but I've got something to do now. Better get back out there before...

Danny leaps forward attempting to go ghost again but finds himself plopping into the ground!

Danny looking up at the ceiling: Before I miss all the fun...

Skullivan: I wouldn't do that if I were you. Your back's been hurt pretty badly, and it's leaving stains all over the floor I just mopped.

Danny feeling his wounds: Agh, it's those damn robots outside..! I thought I could take em, but it turns out they're a lot stronger than I thought! Especially when they're not alone.

Prug: That's why we're hiding. There's too many of them outside.

Grup: I was going with the adventure squad earlier when I forgot about groceries. And when I left to buy soke, the robots came.

Lady Hiss: I ssssaw it with my own eyes as well. They did the mosssst horrible act of mankind! They closed early.

Danny: Terrifying...

At the entrance of the cave, Penny in her Dragon mode and Gumball riding on her back swoop in and land calmly when they see Danny intact.

Gumball: Phew! I don't think I'll ever forget that ride we've just been through!

Dragon Penny: Me neither. It's making me scared of going back out there.

Grup: Greetings Dragon and Catboy!

Danny still on the floor: Hey guys...I'm A-OK.

Gumball: You sure about that, D-Man? It's been 3 hours since we've seen you.

Danny getting back up: Oh yeah, I'm fine. It's just a flesh wound. Nothing I can't recover from.

Danny turns around and realizes his back's been injured with some visible burn marks and scratches on it.

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