Pax Morbidia Part 2

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Morbidia, Prohyas, Vambre, Simone, and Gateaux get near a flooded cavern near their village that serves as a faster route to the abandoned towering Matrix Cannon on the far side of the land.

Vambre: Good thing you're still in your Aqua form, Prohyas.

Prohyas: Can't wait to take a dive!

Phibby and Neddy run to the group with their Magiswords in hand.

Phibby: Do we get to do something EXTREME?!

Morbidia: YOU SURE DO! (Summons bubble helmets on individuals except Prohyas)

Morbidia and everyone else jump into the water and descend to the depths of the underwater cave.

Morbidia: Alright. You go THIS was, we'll go THAT way!

Neddy and Phibby: You got it! (Swim to other side of cavern)

Around the caverns, some of the supporting architecture is much different than the norm. Instead of more medieval art, there's more futuristic ones, with several long walls with glowing patterns, more mechanical than natural, less colorful than the usual.

Prohyas: Is it just me, or is this place much weirder than our world in general?

Morbidia: Meh. Seen weirder. Like that robot who BODY SLAMMED me the other day.

Vambre: Hold it! In front of us, up ahead!

In the distance, multiple smaller copies of the Unstoppable swim with tentacle limbs at rapid speeds. They each have spears that they use to shoot lightning bolts at the dodging heroes!

Prohyas: Hold on! I think I've got it! (Raises hands and circles his fingers)

The water around the enemies start forming whirlpools that suck some of them up and toss them around the cave! They shoot their spears at the heroes, and one of them stabs into Prohyas' shoulder, but he takes it and uses his eel power to electrocute it and shoot an electric wave that consumes the front of the cave where the demons are. They all get fried and the group proceed forward. Meanwhile, both Phibby and Neddy reach below the surface of the battlefield where the Unstoppable stands before them. They look for a powersource for the invisible shield barrier and notice a small glowing orb that connects to the top of the cave. Phibby and Neddy are suddenly greeted by multiple Unstoppable Demons who guard the orb.

Phibby: YES! Something that isn't boring!

Neddy: I'm gonna gnaw on their faces! (Takes mallet and smashes the ground to form a shockwave)

The shockwave pushes the demons against the walls and Phibby and Neddy fight with huge amounts of strength against them! Neddy crushes some of them and bites their domes, and Phibby punches and uses some of them as human shields for when they throw their spears at him. He tosses them away and uses his actual shield to toss toward the orb, but a demon takes it and Neddy gets in the line of fire!

Phibby running to Neddy in slow motion: NEDDY! LOOK OUT! I threw my sharpened shield at the target, but it moved away and now I run the involuntary risk of you getting killed! I have no idea why I'm talking like Einstein and Spongeboy, but I'm coming to the rescue!

The spinning shield nears Neddy's face, but Phibby pushes him away and gets himself stabbed by his own attack in the chest! He falls to the floor and starts going limp!

Phibby: Ouch! I got killed by my own attack. (Gets excited) EXTREME! (DEAD)

Neddy: Don't worry man! (Grabs Big Boulder from Phibby) I got you covered! (Fuses Muscly Arm + Big Boulder + Ground Pound)

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