Fusion Wars Part 4

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After Centurion makes his way into the ship, he wanders around the long empty dark green-hued halls near the windows, viewing the outside above the Earth.

Centurion looking out the window: Space...The Final Frontier. These are the voyages of the combiner, (makes troll face) CENTURION!!! (Goes back to normal) It's ONE day mission, to blow the absolute crud outta this spaceship and save the world. By the looks of this hall, there shouldn't be any cameras nearby. (Hears thumping in chest) Already?

Simone defuses with Centurion hopping on her legs rapidly.

Simone holding her skirt: Sorry, you guys! I didn't think we'd be gone this long! I'll be right back! (Runs down the hall)

Centurion Prohyas: I'm not sure if the aliens can even wiz!

Simone runs over to a random room with a bucket in it, at first considering not doing anything with it.

Simone: I know this is disgusting, but who else is coming in here? (Shuts door behind her)

Familiar and Bimm defuse with Centurion, looking out the window admiring the sight while coming up with a plan.

Bimm gazing to Earth and deep space: It's so beautiful.

Familiar: Yeah. Other than the Earth, nothing but emptiness in deep space. Not as grand as people make it out to be.

Centurion: We need to find a way to shut off the ship and the Planet Buster, but the only other place I can think of to do that is the bridge.

Bimm: Sounds like a plan!

Familiar: I'm in!

Simone running back to the group: Ok. Let's get outta here.

Centurion: Where'd you go?

Simone: To the closet. (Fuses back with Centurion)

As Centurion makes his way down the halls, a small baby-sized, triangular security drone observes them silently and floats up to the next level of the ship. When the combiner reaches another, more circular hallway, he hides behind cover for any cameras and enters a large elevator that leads up to the main deck. Centurion looks at the controls at the center of the elevator and sees a screen that has a diamond on it with four different switches.

Centurion: ? (Presses top button and hears sound effect)

Confused, Centurion presses a random combination of switches, making a musical track that sounds like a roaring choir. Just when the beat drops, the lift goes up rather slowly.

Centurion Cattus: Ah. Fascinating. Perhaps we can learn from these aliens once this is over. (Ear twitches) Hm?

A small being in a nice blue dress, about the size of a little girl, floats down to the lift using gravity powers. She has nice poofy white hair that covers her eyes, and long white gloves with smaller gems on her palms.

Centurion: Greetings.

Fortune Teller sounding a bit irritated: So, it is you, Centurion. I was not expecting my foresight to be so close, yet highly inaccurate. And you would've been destroyed along with the volcano had it not been for Phibby.

Centurion: How do you know our names?

Fortune Teller: I am Fortune Teller. I can briefly see the future, only seconds later. It's rare where I come from. And each of you are all going to pay for what you've done to our gems!

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