Echoes Part 2

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Before Vambre and Prohyas became Warriors for Hire they went to school! A school for Adventures!

Mighty Magiswords


A small passenger space shuttle; Neutron Technology, arrives to the school by the entrance where they unload few of the members of the Toon Force in front of the former alumni. This includes: Jimmy Neutron (as always), Danny Phantom (though in a much more mechanical ghost outfit), Yuki, Anais, and Nicole (the strongest and most powerful of the team), Gumball (one of the jokey ones), Gaz and Dib Membrane (the straightforward mysterious one, and the paranormal investigator extraordinaire(or so he says), Sam (the faithful wife and fighter alongside Danny), Dani (The female clone of Danny with equal powers to his own), and new to the team, Starfire and Momo (one still learning the ways of the samurai, and the other trying to fit in with a new team of heroes after she was lost from the Teen Titans). Greeting them is none other than Noville, who's now out to help get Vambre Warrior back; AKA, his fiance.

Jimmy shaking Noville's hand: Greetings sir! Are you the one in charge of the assault?

Noville: Oh no. Actually, I just wanna get my girlfriend back. She's one of the hostages and, well, I'm not really much of a fighter,'s a good time to start! I guess...

Yuki: Daw. I like a man who stands up for his woman.

Nicole: Preach. I just wish Richard would do that for me. I mean, I'm never in distress or anything, and I kept having to save his life, but still...

Morbidia: AH, great..! More people from OUTER SPACE! What else? Fusion comes back to life and comes to KILL us?

Gateaux begging: Please, Ms. Morbidia. We don't wanna wake the dead by wishing upon a star...

Gumball: Say, where's Timmy in all this? I thought he said he was coming with.

Sam: Oh, he's back at the base for backup. Just in case something goes wrong and we need extra fighters. What about you, Starfire? Are ya feeling better now that you've been going on missions with us?

Starfire: I've been feeling wonderful! Although, I do admit I miss the Titans, I feel as though they can wait a little while longer for me to return.

Danny: That's the spirit! Hopefully we can get those coordinates back to you and Gumball's worlds after their signals were fried. So, how're you doing, Prohyas? Is your squad ready?

Prohyas: We sure are! I've got good ol' Cattus, Familiar, always nice, Glori, and Phibby geard up and ready to go! That is, unless you've got somethin' new for us before we head out to space and fight those bad boys.

Jimmy: Indeed, we have! I don't think I had a chance to tell you. I've made you all some new gadgets along with your current gear. Most especially you, Familiar! Your speed, combined with your feline reflexes should be quiet enough for stealth missions on their own. So to enhance your abilities and strengths, I've retrofitted your new design with some long-ranged silencers so you can be moving around as free as you wish without detection!

Familiar: That sounds pretty helpful n' all, but what's the point of me not wearing any shoes, gloves, or even a helmet if I'm gonna be quiet anyway? (Wiggles toes) I look like someone from a foot fetish comic!

Jimmy: That's just in case the silencers stop working. They're prototypes after all.

Familiar raising his ears: Oh! That makes sense...

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