"i'm sorry." he chuckles light heartedly, "i was just bored. i told you that in the text i sent like, fifteen minutes ago."

"sorry." she sighs, "i got caught up in something."

"so.." he trails off, "can i see your face?"

she looks at herself in the mirror, her mascara running down her cheeks. she sighs, pathetic. "no."


"because i look bad."

"i don't care." he mumbles, "i mean, your ceiling is nice and all, but i like your face more."

she looks over at her screen, where only one side of his face had been showing. "you're not showing your whole face."

he grimaces, "i'm lookin' rough today."

"but that excuse can't work for me?"

nevertheless, she picks up her phone and hesitantly puts herself into view. it takes him a second before he frowns, "hey, what happened?"

she didn't know what it was; the look of concern on his face, or the question he's so kindly asked. but it made her want to cry again, in which her mind was successful in pushing.

"oh my god, i just made you cry more." he panics, sitting up in his bed. "sorry..uh, what happened? or should i not ask?"

"i don't know." she sighs, "look at me, i look like shit. this is why i didn't wanna show my face."

"everyone cries." he informs, "that doesn't take away your beauty."

"stop with the corny shit. i've been wearing these clothes for three days."

"alright..that's kind of gross."

she lets out another shaky breath, followed by a laugh. "i can't get myself to leave my house."


"because my manager picked out that fucking boyfriend." she mutters, "and i've been feeling a little under the weather, so that's the only reason why i haven't met him yet."

"i'm sure he won't be bad." brandon offers, "and if he is, let me know."

she gives him a look, "i thought we've talked about your fronting already."

"i won't front this time." he scoffs, "i don't care if i have to come all the way to london to beat his ass, but i will."

"i'm sure you will, brandon."

he rolls his eyes at the sarcasm laced in her voice, but smiled when he saw the corners of her lips rising. "isn't the makeup burning your eyes?"

"you bet it is." she murmurs, making her way into the bathroom.

"why do you even have some on? i thought you haven't left your house."

"i still like to put it on." she shrugs, setting her phone down so she could wash her face.


"weird." she mocks, and he shakes his head.

he hesitates before speaking, "i've been working on a song..do you wanna hear it?"

the frown imprinted on her lips began to fade, "sure."

brandon rises from his bed, throwing a shirt on before making his way to their home studio. meanwhile, adele washed the makeup from her face.

brandon passes zion in the kitchen, giving him an odd look as the boy stands in front of the stove, flipping a pancake. zion proudly smirks, "that's right, bro. i told you i'm a master chef."

"it's not rocket science to make a pancake, zion." austin informs, "and move. you didn't even make it."

brandon shakes his head, continuing his way towards the small room at the corner of their house.

he sets his phone in front of the piano as he sits, "hm." adele grins, her full attention on the boy. he gives her a shy smile, and she shakes her head. "go on."

"you're making me nervous."

"that's good to know." she says, "come on, i don't have all day."

he clears his throat slightly, focusing his attention on the keys before playing an unfamiliar but beautifully soothing melody to the girl he'd been trying to impress for days.

no words had come out of his mouth as his focus was completely focused on the keys. the same shy smile appeared on his lips as he neared the end, "that's all, for now. i'm trying to come up with the lyrics."

"i liked that." she murmurs softly, "you won't ever catch me saying this again, but your voice is beautiful."

he sits back in his seat, smiling at the girl on his screen. "i wasn't even singing."

"i know."

i want to write you a song, brandon arreaga Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum