Chapter lX

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The Cat Shifters


"Nyrali, there are trespassers in our territory," Zaryla, the clans second in command, said as she walked into her camp without stopping.

When people talked to Nyrali they had to be respectful and calm. She hated to be disturbed. Well, everyone except Zaryla, her lifelong childhood best friend. Zaryla was breathing heavily, trying to catch her breath. As if she ran miles upon miles to warn her leader when she could have warned her through the clans connection link. She stared at her leader who sat in the middle of the large tent where she rested.

That afternoon after lunch, Nyrali had retreated to her tent and to lie down. Unfortunately for the Bengali tribe, the sun was high and releasing a stressing amount of heat. The good thing was that there was a stream near by, so the female shifter was quite unharmed by the sun's rays more than everyone from her tribe. Her abilities of tribe leaders provided her with fruitful benefits not easily bestowed upon the others.

Nyrali opened her eyes and looked at Zaryla, raising an eyebrow. There was a clear frown in her face. You see, as I said earlier, she didn't like to be disturbed unless it was important. Of course that doesn't mean her job isn't important nor her tribe but there was a system in place for things to be dealt with. Only during certain instances will the order be breached and make its way to her.

Also, Nyrali was in a half-awake-half-asleep state and as a result she wasn't in a good mood. She was a short-tempered person, but there were times when she seemed like it.

But today she was so on edge that Nyrali had to catch her tongue before she was snapped at her friend. Although it was not her friends fault, practically nobodies fault, she couldn't help hit feel worried about the dangers to come. She couldn't explain to everybody how she knows but she knows. A secret she has to keep from many and only share with a few.

Zaryla on the other hand, could sense the energy that Nyrali was exposing. She was radiating off too much threatening, dangerous and volatile energy. Taking a step back, quite curious in fact as to what was happening with her friend.

Realizing that Zaryla's gaze felt like she was burning holes through her body, she took a deep breathe and soon the energy that was in the air disappeared into a wisp of cold breeze. Zaryla could feel it.

She nodded, rising to her feet and walking out of her little circle, taking a few steps and stopping.

"What is it? Scum? Filth? Travelers? Who dares come to our borders?" Nyrali clenched her jaw and shook her head, "Rally the guards, wait for me at the edge of the tribe borders then we go. Understood?"

"Eou vron dero." Zaryla responded. Zaryla bowed her head and retreated from her leaders tent.(As you command.)

With her jaw clenched, she walked over to where her weapons lay. Taking small steps, she approached and stared at her weapons. Its been a long while since she has used this against trespassers who crossed her territory. Now, she has the chance for them to feel her blade across their throat. Violence was not a ritual in the Bengali tribe but it was sure a delightful feeling. There was a thrill when they were able to hear their enemies blood curling screams and warm blood pool from being struck.

With a determined feeling, she jammed her knifes into its sheath. The belt that she wore, it had just three sheath, fit for two knives each and her sword. It was placed around her hips holding her dress.

Her dress were simple sheath dresses called kalasiris. The dress she wore was held up by an ornamental clasp, that came across her right shoulder and falling down to the her knees. But, the dress was cut around private area of her right side and made light to make it accessible. They did so that the females of the tribe can run. Beading or feathers were also used as an embellishment on the dress but it was only for the high ranking officers of the tribe.

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