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"Now that we took down the Titans what are we suppose to do?" My brother Poseidon asks.

We all look down at the cage which held the Titans we have captured. Hades lowers it down to Tartarus and makes sure that it is heavily guarded by everything there was in the underworld.

"Now a new era starts brothers. An era where the Olympians will rule." I let lightning run threw my body making it visible to the people who were around us. I gathered it all up in my right hand, I held my hand up to the sky and with my final words I let the skies rumble with thunder and crack with lightning.



"You're pretty you know that." She blushes as she looks away and so I grab her by her chin so she can look up at me and she gives me a small smile when she does so. I give her a little smirk as I think to myself, I'm totally going to wreck her.

Just when I was about to kiss her the door opens with a loud sound. Who in the world dares to disturb me? What is the point of even having guards posted right outside my door if they aren't going to stop people from coming in?

"Oh god, not again." I knew who it was by the voice so I just shake my head knowing that I can't continue my actions. So I let go of the girl. "Maybe next time." I say with a dull tone, not interested in her anymore, she is just someone I was planning on using anyway. She looks disappointed but leaves immediately when I give her a stern look.

Once she leaves I look over to my two brothers and let out a sigh. "What are you guys doing here?"

"Can we not come see our brother as we please or do we have to tell you before hand?" Namjoon asks. I shake my head no and guide them to the seating area.

"You know it would be nice if you came to see us every once in a while. We always have to come here to see you and let me just say I don't like coming here one bit." Yoongi says as his hair starts to flash with fire which tends to happen when he gets angry, pissed off, or excited and I knew he wasn't excited.

"This was once your home you know." I tell him and he looks at me a little angry.

"I know that but every time I come here they look at me like I'm some evil creature just because I'm the god of the dead and king of the underworld. And you never seem to try and tell them that I'm not such a bad person. They've forgotten who I really am!" By now he lets his flames emit from his hair and I tense a little at it while Namjoon didn't look a bit fazed. I guess being the god of water has its perks.

"Sorry I didn't know you felt like that Yoongi. I didn't think its such a big deal. Don't you like to be feared a little though?" Namjoon scoffs at my words as he leans back in his seat and pats our brothers back to make him calm down as well as calm his flames.

"We're not like you brother. We do not care for such things like being feared, they already know not to mess with us. Honestly what has happened to you throughout these years? You're so different, last thing you've ever wanted is to be cruel or ever feared." I look at him shocked by his question and statement.

Have I really changed that much? I guess if I really do look at it closely, I have.

I became the king of all gods the day we took down the Titans. They all saw me fit to rule over all since I was the one who led everyone in the rebellion against the Titans.

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