List of things

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Have y'all ever realize just how many compliments Klaus has given to Hayley? Like have you? I knew he said some nice things about her but I never really paid attention to how many until like two weeks ago and was like wow! he really thought the wo...

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Have y'all ever realize just how many compliments Klaus has given to Hayley? Like have you? I knew he said some nice things about her but I never really paid attention to how many until like two weeks ago and was like wow! he really thought the world of his baby mama.

Here is the list (the ones I remember) of compliments:

Let's start with how he saw her strength;

1) Tough . .... "I knew you tough, I knew you were cunning....."

2) Resilent ..... "You proven to be quite resilent today,"

3) powerful . ...... "See, there is your queen, powerful, fearless and unlike me, mericful"

4) strong .... "I want her to grow up to be as strong and as beautiful a woman as her mother."

I don't know if fighter falls under the strenght category do I didn't include and same goes for fearless.

Now, let's just lost the other nice things he had to say to her or about her.

5) Pretty

6) gorgeous (TVD episode 4x03)

7) Exquisite

8) fearless

9) fighter

10) merciful

11) a queen

12) beautiful

13) Charming

14) family


16) graceful ( Well he marvels at Hope's strength and grace which he then said came from Hayley so 😉),

17) Cunning

18) Leader

19) A lot alike

20) Determined. - Okay for this one he didn't necessarily called her determined but he did say "If Tyler even had half of your resolve." Resolve basically means determined to, hell-bent on.

We can can also lost the amount of time he told her good job, well done and more so.

But here are so phrases that shows he cared about her.

1) "I really wish you were here,"

2) "So do I, more than you know." he said that after Hope said she misses Hayley.

3) "I'm not leaving Hayley alone,"

4) "If you ever betray her, I will find you and I will deposite your head at the end of a spike," about Hayley to Jackson.

5) "I'm the only one who can protect you, I'm happy to do so" "I was trying to protect you," "You need my protections."

6) "I've given you a thousands reasons to abandon me and you haven't .....yet, so thank you. For my sake and our daughter's."

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