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(This was ought to be posted a while back actually but girl forgot about it for a while so sorry)

this isn't event going to be a reason but a rant.

The finale was shit. Plain and simple. The season was shit. The plot holes in this season was a shit load.

Mostly everyone got screwed!

First let's start with Freya; listen I like Freya, I do but the way she acts throughout this season was really annoying.

I mean this is the Freya who goes through great lengths to fix her family and doesn't take no for an answer and willing to sacrifice a seven year old innocence for her family. So what the hell happened this season? She barely even tried to save Hayley, all she did was prepare Hope for Hayley's death and encourage Hope stupid idea to rid her wolf side.

And for the very last episode she didn't even try to fix Klaus, she just helped Elijah take some of the hallow in him. Then the same Freya who can't bare the thought of losing a sibling didn't even fight to change Elijah's mind! What!?! Her brothers were dying and she didn't even walk them to the scene like rebekah did? She had just sat at home with Keelin talking about babies!

Look congrats on your wedding and your child but your brothers are dead or dying as far as you know! How selfish could you be?!

From one sister to a next; Rebekah. Rebekah I love so much, like a lot, a lot but I'm pissed. How the hell could you be having sex when your brother was dying leaving behind a child! I love Marcel and Rebekah together a whole lot but that time should have been spent comforting Hope or just remembering Klaus like they did later on. OR LIKE TRYING TO FIND A WAY TO FIX IT WITHOUT KLAUS DYING!!!!

But that is it for Rebekah I'm glad she got her happy ending, I love my Barbie Klaus too much to be angry at her for long.

Kol I know you weren't apart of always and forever but you walking out on Klaus like that was very out of character. Especially when you have a niece who you talk to on the verge of losing her father! if didn't want to be there for Klaus be there for Hope!

that is all for Kol.

Did Hope make me angry this episode? probably but I don't remember.

Klaus baby, I love you and I know your dead and all but I'm pissed with you. Your reason for not letting Elijah be the one who dies kind of sucked.

I mean yes, what man let's a another sacrifice himself for his child? you kind of had a point there..... But one who wants to live and see his child grow up after not seeing her for years! The one who doesn't want his child to be an orphan like him, like said child's mother! The one who knew said man willing to sacrifice himself for another man's daughter was one of the reasons the child's mother is dead!

So, Klaus babes your excuse was weak and stupid.

Elijah I get you wanting to die alongside your brother but still it isn't only about Klaus. Plus, Hayley would have wanted at least one of you there to watch over Hope in person since she no longer couldn't. Hayley actually asked Elijah to take care of Hope some seasons back and now he didn't live up to that.

Marcel, sweetie, you were the only one who didn't piss me off, love you.

The writers kept saying Hayleys story wasn't over when she died in 5x 06 but it was. Her flash backs wasn't really her story, it was Klaus', Elijah's and Hope's.

Also anyone else hated how they reduce Hayley to simply a love interest and a mother this season! I mean being a mother is important and apart of her! But she was solo much more! Why they didn't talk about her pack! Or how much of a good friend she was! She deserved better all around. Only Klaus talked about her mercy and grace, love my baby Klaus.

That is all for now.


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