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It has been ages since I even open this book or whatever this is called

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It has been ages since I even open this book or whatever this is called.

I thought I did not have anything to say until tonight. See, I was reading the comments about Legacies since I stopped watching the show (because Klayley's daughter entire world should not be centered around Landon) and that's when I got to thinking.

Why on earth does Julie love couples where there is always a damsel in distress? One person must always be needy and in need of saving like all the time or just flat out weaker, perfect example, Handon, Freelin, Klamille Delena and Stelena. Klaroline to me wasn't as damsel in distress as those other ships because most of the time Caroline was just using Klaus and she had her squad to save her.

Of course it had ships that went against that trope like Halijah for example. I did not ever feel like Hayley always needed Elijah to save her and Elijah always needing Hayley to save him. Rebekah and Marcel were also a ship that didn't have that trope, in fact, I think both Rebekah and Marcel in numerous times saved each other asses so it felt equal with them almost. Even though in the beginning Rebekah could have ended Marcel easily and Marcel in the ending could have ended Rebekah.

Another ship that went against the trope of the damsel and the hero was Kolvina. Honestly Kolvina were probably the most equal feeling couple on the show. Though, sometimes it felt as though she had more power than Kol, (a freaking original) it still mostly felt equal.

Jackson and Hayley were kind of the damsel trope with Jackson needing Hayley to save him but he was in denial and wasn't useless mostly. He proved he was worth more than someone the hero loved and felt loved by. He was an essential part of the Mikaelsons and Hayley getting a wolf army through marriage. He did fight for Hayley but Hayley always felt superior to him to me.

Handon is just a shame. Landon is just annoying and Hope is always worried about his safety and needing to save him...... a lot of times from situations he put himself in .... trying to be of some use.

Freelin was similar to Handon but Keelin was not in your face trying to be the hero. She knew Freya and her family were much powerful than her and she knew her place. She could have been a bit more bad-ass and show some more wolf at times but she was cool. But again, the pair fit the trope.

Klamille, we all know Cami was a damsel in distress, a damsel who tried so hard to not be a damsel and pretend that she wasn't, whilst being the biggest damn damsel.

And we all know Elena was damsel.

And all those damsel ships always got the most screen time and longest running relationships on the shows. Whilst the ones that feel equally paired, one has to die and come back, they have to break up and spend episodes apart, or some shit.

It is like Julie doesn't know how to handle showcasing a relationship with two equal feeling partners consistently and for a long time. And if she does she has to weaken on or like change the character up to go against their own values like she did with Hayley for Elijah.

But anyway, enough about that. This is called reasons why I ship and love Klayley, so let's talk Klayley.

I feel like with Klayley they felt like equals. And I know Klaus is much, much more powerful than Hayley but it never really felt like that. And it felt like that without them watering down Klaus' strength for Hayley.

Maybe it felt like that to me because Hayley never backed down from a fight with fight, (even physical ones) knowing Klaus was stronger. She always stood up to him like the queen she is.

Another reason Klayley come across as equals to me, is due to the fact that they both got such strong, warrior like personalities. They have such similar personalities and traits and was always down to kick some ass when needed. It felt like she balanced him out without changing him like his relationship with Cami felt.

He did not ever had to treat Hayley like a glass where she can easily break, he always knew she was tough. Even that time in TVD where he protected her from Katherine but that was after she sold out Tyler to him. In a way saving Klaus' life from the Hybrids that planned to go after him.

It always felt like they took turns having each other's back, completely trusting the next to save them. Like Klaus did when he asked her to protect Cami from Tne Strix even though The Strix  were an ancient group of very powerful vampires he trusted her to be able to hold her own against them.

He then trusted her with his and entire family's lives at the ending of season 3 with full faith she would save them.

His own words in his letter to Hope: "be good to your mother, I draw comfort in knowing she would protect you. And I know she would not rest until our family are united."

He always knew she did not needed his constant saving and she could also protect him. And he also protected her in numerous occasions as well. And with each other neither seemed weak, in fact, at least to me, both seemed even stronger.

Also they were the only pair I ever really saw besides each other and kick ass together. For example in that ladies first scene, forget the season and episode, when they forgot Lucien together and when they fought that witch to protect Hope together.

A pair like no other on the show.

And a pair with too much power for Julie and friends to write about.

Reasons why I ship and love klayleyWhere stories live. Discover now