The reason why klayley didn't become a canon

394 19 12

Klayley really had one sex scene and from it came two whole ass shows.

Two shows! From a one night stand!

And that's the reason Klayley never became a couple because if they did the TVDU would have as much shows as the MCU (Marvel) has movies. And The CW crew couldn't handle the multitude of ways in which Julie would have a found a way to write some bullshit in each show.

And also, CW network didn't had the budget to support all the shows Klayley as a couple would have created.

And that my dear people is why Klaus and Hayley never became a couple. You're welcome for cracking the code for you guys. It was an honor to go on such a scientific journey for the answer.

I'm joking. I have no idea why Julie and team lack taste, I just tell myself they did not want to create the Klayley universe. 🤣🤣🤣

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