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This is difficult to post because people can take it many ways but I'll do it.

Can everyone stop saying Hayley was a teenager when she met Klaus?

Like I see everyone these days up in arms defending a ship saying that age means nothing really in  TVDU and it kinda of doesn't for the most part.

But! When you guys are like Damon fell in love with Elena when she was still a minor and blah, blah, it is all fine because it is true, homegirl was legit in high-school when the show started.

But Hayley and Klaus don't fall in the category because it is Canon hayley was around 24 - 25 when Hope was a baby, grandma Mary said it in like season 3. And if Hope was still a baby ain't no way Klaus got Hayley pregnant when she was a teen .....unless she had a super long, super extended pregnancy with Hope that lasted years and that didn't happen. So, my good girl Hayley was an adult when she met Klaus and when they had sex.

So thus........ people who ship Klayley and don't ship other ships due the minor/ adult relationship are not hypocrites. Neither are Hayilah shippers nor Kamille shippers because everyone was over 18.

It is pissing me off seeing people consider Klayley a ship like that.

And as much as I may not ship, Hayilah and Kamille, I will also defend them.

And in the case of Hayley and Elijah, if you are calling Klayley an age conflicting ship, wouldn't Hayley and Elijah also be in the same boat? I mean, he started going after her when she was pregnant. And if she had gotten pregnant as teen then the chances of her still being very much a teen, early on in her pregnancy is very likely. But she was not.

So leave those ships alone when it comes to the age thing please.

Kolvina was definitely an underage romance however, like she was like 15 / 16 and everyone called her a kid until Kol came in the picture. Now, that is an age conflicting ship.

Anyway, and in the end, all  of this really don't mean much because it is a show. A show set in a whole different universe, with vampires, werewolves, witches, sirens and whatever the hell else creatures Legacies brought in. So, for the most part the whole age argument kind of isn't important IN THIS SENSE!

Let me make it clear, I don't like or support underage relationships.

But in a universe where the rules are all over the place and people feed on people, and drown people's mother, and tear out hearts and knock off heads ........ you get my point.

In saying all of that I'm not saying every ship in that universe should be accepted like Hope and Alaric. He is legit like a parent to her and knew her as a child. That is just all types of wrong, even for that universe.

And you know what? I am going to say it, I don't watch Legacies but I do see clips and keep up with it..... mostly, and Hope and Clarke are actually one of the most interesting duos on that show. And Hope isn't a child because I think she is like 19.

I get why people don't like or ship them or whatever, but you can't hate on Holarke but love Kolvina for having an age difference.

Like I love Rebekah and I love Marcel but the ship of both of them are kind of weird - scratch that - fully weird, she knew him as a child, she legit saw him grow up AND on top of that he was like a son to her brother, which should make her like an aunt to him! Klaus was right for not wanting them together!

But it isn't like I hated them together all things aside because I liked them both so much individually. It is just a weird ship. But I don't hate it because, well, that universe is messed up. But had it happen in real life or on a show based on realistic life, then I'd never even like them. And I know I've said Holaric shouldn't be shipped and basically then said I don't really mind Marbekah but, at least Rebekah and Marcel look around the same age, and we met Marcel as an adult. Rebekah and Marcel would not have stood a chance had we meet Marcel as a boy.

And we met Hope as baby - hell as a fetus! So seeing hwith Alaric who looks way older than her...... yeah..... that's a no.

Anyway, all I'm trying to say is keep Klayley out of your mouths when discussing underage (minor) relationships please and thank you.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2022 ⏰

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