He listens to her

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He listens to her

In a way, Hayley owns Klaus' ass.

For the most part, when ever Hayley says something or tells him something he listens. And it's just the sweetest thing ever. But aside from it being sweet, it also shows just how he changed. It shows the impact she has on him. It shows how much he considers and respect her.

And that's such, such a big thing! Respecting someone is always such a huge thing. But with Klaus it is an even huger thing BECAUSE KLAUS MIKEALSON!

Klaus Mikealson respects or considers no one that isn't his siblings and few others.

But not in the way he does Hayley. I feel like (personally) that he has the most respect for her out of everyone. He cares what she has to say the most. Or at least that's how the writers made it look. And don't get me started on the writers......😤

Anyway let's list the times when Klaus listened to Hayley.

1) When she told him she was going to talk to the wolf girl who had trigger wolf side. Klaus didn't wanted her to. But gave in.

2) when he gave in to her marriage with Jackson. He literally allowed her to tell Jackson  (someone his paranoid ass didn't trust) about Hope being alive, their biggest secret at the time.

3) when he listened to her and gave Cami an Irish wake or something like that. Which he at first didn't wanted to do.

4) when he trust Hollis (Hayley's past friend and seemingly mentor) with Hope. Because Hayley trusted him. Okay, I know, that isn't exactly him listening to her, but in a way, it also is. He listened to her, when she said she trusted Hollis and he was trying to help.

5) in season 4 -forgot which episode- when Klaus was getting all annoyed and raged-fill, Hayley told him, go for a walk. And what did his ass did? He went for a walk!

6) when Klaus was angry and Freya and was yelling at her and Hayley shouted "Klaus! Enough!" Or something like that. The look on his face afterwards was so sad, but he piped down for a while.

7) when she convinced him to let her come with him to find Rebekah in the woods.

8) lol, when she asked him for the keys to the car 😂😂

I think there is more but I can't remember, so if you know any, comment.

Honestly the only times he ever truly won an argument against her, was when she asked him to let her come with him, to very dangerous fights. He didn't want her to risk her life and that's the cutest thing and shows just how much, Hayley means to him.

Yeah, she owns his ass, but she doesn't try to control him and I love it. She lets him be himself but is always there to rope him back in and keep him in check.

Her learns from her, and she learns from him.

And that's such an important thing.

Honestly it pisses me off how the writers can't seem to see they created characters perfect for each other! That are meant for each other! And yet want to give them dust!!!

But I won't rant about Julie, I'm in no mood too.

//A/N: Ps, sorry for the errors I'm in a shit load of pain and lazy//

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