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Listen so I'm watching legacies .......even though I really did not want to after they did my favs dirty but I had nothing else to watch...

That is besides the point.

The point is, I really don't like this monster of the week thing but it is actually growing on me. The explanation so far make a bit of sense. Or maybe I'm telling myself that to keep watching? Who knows, who cares?

So, here is my opinion on it. I love Josie and Penelope together and separately. Lizzie doesn't really bother me as she does some people.

People need to remember that it is only the first season, give these characters time to grow and watch them develop into a better ones. I feel like people what perfect characters right off the bat and that shit is annoying.

Anyway, My fav character has to be Rafeal so far. His attitude, loyalty and story is really good. MG is cool too but something is missing for me to be like 'yeah! I love him'. I like him but I don't feel attached to him. You know?

Alaric, never liked him, still don't but he doesn't piss me off much.

Listen I hate Landan, sorry, I don't know what it is about him that I can't stand but I can't stand him. I guess, I don't know, I just don't like him and I just know I may never like him no matter how good his character gets. Oops. And yes, I don't ship Handan.

Now, Hope. Hope, I don't know how to feel about her. She is not bad per se, but she lacks that Mikealson and Marshall flair.... That makes sense right?

I mean yes, of course she can't be carbon copies of her parents But she just lack that powerful energy Hayley, Klaus and the other Mikealsons possessed. Hayley always had that powerful feel to her even when she asking for Klaus to protect her in TVD. Hope, doesn't naturally possess it to me. In some scenes she has it, others not so much.

But I will give her props for how some of her expressions mimicks either Hayley or Klaus at times.

I loved how she told Alaric that he isn't her father. Unlike most people I understood why Alaric hit her with the low-blow bringing up her dead parents, the man was hurting. Doesn't make it right but naturally people really do say some mean shit when they are hurt. I do it at times. Again, doesn't make right.

Anyway I felt like Hope should have at least mentioned her mother in the latest episode with the necromancer! I get she knew Hayley was at peace (Which is sort of a plot hole but i will get to that later) and did not know about Klaus and I get that. She made the smarter choice asking about the parent she doesn't know where they ended up.

But she could have at least ask for Hayley in some way. Or include her in her note. Newflash honey, Hayley would have probably been more disappointed in your actions than Klaus. Klaus would quicker be the parent to sympathize with her or may even be proud, especially with her wanting to kill Landan for betraying her because Klaus sure would have killed him. Klaus would quicker be the parent to feel guilty however for passing down his vengeful ways to his daughter. So Hope saying he would be disappointed in her made no sense really. Klaus had no room to be disappointed with her after his actions. Hayley, however, would more than likely be.

But she paid her mother dust in an episode all about dead relatives and people close to you.

Anyway, to the plot-hole, well what seemed like a plot-hole to me. If what the Necromancer said was true about Klaus not being able to find true peace unless Hope finds it (and let's say it is true), then how the hell did Hayley find peace?!

Hope felt more guilty about her mother's death more than she did Klaus. She literally felt like she had gotten her mother tortured and kill (and to a extent she did) but yet in TO when she was still riddled with guilt, hurt and pain we learned that Hayley found peace.

So why was Hayley able to find peace when Hope wasn't at peace with her death but Klaus couldn't? If any parent that should have been able to find peace based on Hope's feelings and guilt about it it would have been Klaus. Seeing as she knew he made the decision to die for her and not because of her like Hayley somewhat did. Though both Hayley and Klaus ultimately both killed themselves for Hope's sake.

All I'm saying is, if I was in Hope's position and where Klaus and Hayley would be depending on my emotions to their deaths, I would feel like more at peace with Klaus' death rather than Hayley's but that is just me.

Maybe that was like that due to Klaus' past? I don't know. Or maybe the Necromancer was lying, I don't know, hopefully they would answer that. And why didn't she ask for her dead uncle Elijah?

I just want Klaus to find his peace and be with Hayley and maybe he sort of is. It did say he watches over her and in the last episode of TO we saw Hayley watching over her, so maybe, they are together or maybe aren't somehow, whatever.

Anyway, last but least. I need to see Hope's power more. I need to see more examples of her being the most powerful witch ever, or coming in to it.

I feel like that is the problem with TO and TVD, they only ever really state and show what a powerful witch can do but we never really see comparisons to lesser powerful witches. We don't see how a powerful witch could be struggling with spell that a more powerful witch barely struggled with and I feel like we need to see that.

had we saw things like that more then maybe everyone would stop arguing about who the most powerful witch is between Bonnie, Freya, Harvest Davina, Dahlia and Hallow....... along with others.

That is it.

And the reason to ship Klayley is because they are great and both radiated boss ass energies.

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