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Back to present Aqua POV

"So we can travel between worlds now?" I asked

"Yeah without much hassle" Fe said nuzzling his nose against my neck.

"Oh shit I forgot to mention the rest" I said looking to Percy who was smiling at us.

"The rest?" Annabeth asked.

"I'm not the only one, back from the dead..." I said softly leaning farther back into Fe who wrapped his arm around my waist so his hand rested against my stomach.

"What?!" Percy shouted surprised staring at us.

"Who was brought back?" Annabeth asked with wide eyes.

"Will, Nico, and Talia" I said leaning my head back against Feors shoulder.

"So you were all granted godhood?" Percy asked still in shock but more call as he sat on the couch in front of us with Annie.

"Yeah, and we all took it" I said softly.

"I'm glad, maybe you'll get a semi normal life" Annabeth said making me smile.

"One can only wish."

"We are actually supposed to visit Poseidon after speaking with you, so it might be best we duck out now." Fe said making me nod and stand.

"Alright Percy. I'll always be there for you. Just pray to me, I'll be here in seconds" I said taking him into a hug passing him to Fe

"It was nice meeting you. Aqua never stopped talking about you over there. It's nice to put a face to the name" Fe said making me blush before I turned to Annie.

"My comment to Percy goes for you as well. If you need me, you only need call, I'll be here in a second" I said softly

"I know Aqua" Annie whispered squeezing me. I smiled and pulled away as Fe got pulled in by her.

"You take care of her. She's a good one"i heard Annie whisper making me smile softly.

"Fe" i called gently holding out my hand to him. He pulled away from her and grasped my hand letting me pull him out. I pressed my thumbs to his forehead and whispered.

"I give you the ability to breath underwater" his eyes widened confused.

"When are we going to be going underwater?" he asked oblivious

"My father's castle is underwater, you are going to have to breath at some point" i said rolling my eyes.

"Ah, That makes sense" he said rubbing the back of his neck as I pulled him toward the ocean. Percy had a beach front apartment the lucky bastard. I snapped my fingers and our Olympian clothes appeared on us. We walked carefully into the waters and let them guide us to Atlantis. We passed many sea creatures and Mer folk along the way bowing to us and wishing us luck on our journey. Which didn't usually happen to be completely honest. Once we reached the castle we made our way through the corridors being occasionally stopped by guards stationed everywhere.

"Presenting Lady Aquarius and lord Feor" the announcer said when we made it to the throne room. I smiled and reached for Feors arm as he presented it to me.

"Be strong, this will be over soon" I whispered

"I know my love" He whispered back making me smile brighter. As we walked into the room my eyes immediately found my father. He sat at his throne being surrounded by mer folk talking at him but now with him. The moment he looked up and our eyes meet he stood slowly clearing his throat.

"Guards, council, leave me to talk with my daughter and her boyfriend" my father said softly. They rushed out giving me surprised looks. The second the door closed I unlatched from Fe and launched forward.

"Papa!" I cried as he mirrored my launch.

"Oh my little girl. It makes me so happy to see you in this world again." He said before looking up at Fe. "And you Feor, you wouldn't even imagine how grateful I am that you make her so happy. Which is why chaos and I did something." Fe and I looked at eachother confused as my father let me go back to my mate. He pulled a snow globe out of nowhere and gave it to me. Inside was a shimmering castle with a guarded garden maze along with a small forest surrounding it.

"Papa...? What is this?" I asked confused

"This is your new castle. Your new home as Olympians. It is accessible to only those you deem worthy. All you have to do is break it in the place you wish it to be in and it will grow to full lengths, and finally be yours" he said making my eyes widen. I looked over to fe seeing him in a similar situation."Now where would you like to put this?" My father asked "it can go anywhere. It is hidden by chaos power so humans that aren't authorized can even see it let alone step foot near it.

"Heomoga island" I whispered "a place hidden and protected, not to mention extremely dangerous for those who do not have the respect of the animals." i said making my father nod

"Good choice" he said with a smile before waving his hand in front of us. Light burst around us revealing the place i had known as Heomoga Island.

"Oh hell yes" i muttered looking over to Fe. he smiled and took my hand.

"Together?" he asked resting his forehead against mine like we used to.

"Till the end" i said softly taking his hand and placing it under mine that held the globe.

"One" he started

"Two" i said looking up and him then out at the ocean.

"Three" he announced at the same time as me throwing the globe into the air lobbing it to the center of the island. The second it touched the ground it burst into light. I shielded my eyes quickly fearing them burning off. When i opened my eyes i was shocked. We were standing in front of a tall silver palace with water fountains and chaos swirls everywhere, i saw wild pegasus and unicorns as well as sea creatures swimming around the island. Tall earthly guardians stood with grim looks on their faces as they were taller than giants. Everything was utterly beautiful.

"Oh my gods" i whispered

"It's beautiful" i heard Fe whisper.

"And it's all ours" I whispered right back wrapping my arms around his waist as he wrapped his own around my shoulders hugging me to him.

"Let's explore" he said giddily. I giggled and nodded letting him lead us around the grounds and hallways both within and around the massive castle. We searched every corner memorising places in our minds, meeting the maids who were castle nymphs who we treated like family. Everything was amazing, calm, relaxing. 

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