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Aqua POV

I looked over still in my father's arms at Feor.

"Papa...please?" I asked.

"Yes kelp flower" he told me letting me go. I walked over to where Feor was now in Hiccups arms. I nuzzled his side and whispered.

"I will not come between you and this world. The end choice is up to you. I am sure that if you asked, the gods would gift you anything. Just know that I love you and will respect any decision you make. I on the other hand, even though I love it here, am not meant to be here. It is not where I belong. I belong where my older brother and my father are. So to not affect your choice, I will be sent back first." I said softly pressing a dragon's kiss to his cheek and nuzzling him one last time before going over to my father "I am ready" I said softly.

My father placed his hand on my head.

I began to feel a stretching sensation as well as a shrinking sensation and tingling all over my body. When I opened my eyes I looked at my hands seeing human ones again. I looked at my body seeing a black and ocean blue colored toga dress with silver embroidery. My black hair flowed in waves down my back as a silver ringlet was draped on my head.

"Welcome Aquarius, goddess of Loyalty, kindness, strength, and the ocean. Protector of Dragons" my father said pressing a silver light to my head. I looked at him in shock.

"Welcome Will, god of hope, Dreams, and trust. Guardian of light" I heard Apollo say. I looked over and saw Will in a White and yellow toga. Nico next to him stood in a black Toga with red embroidery.

"Welcome Nico, god of faith, shadows, and truth. Guardian of darkness"

Lastly I looked over at Talia who stood in her human form. Golden hair shining and blue eyes filled with mischief. She wore a gold and red toga with gold embroidery.

"Welcome, Talia, Goddess of electricity, warriors, and resilience. Guardian of Battle"

I smiled only a second before looking back at the Burkians who stood in shock.

"It has been an honor, to be at your side. I hope the absolute best for each and every one of you. I hope that one day, we will meet again" I said softly making eye contact with Feor sadly before turning back to my father.

"It is time my kelpflower." He said solemnly.

"I know papa" I said softly. Each god pressed their hand on their children's forehead and a burst of light erupted around us. The next thing we know, we are in a forest. The place that I died.

"Hold the phone. This is the place I died" I said in shock. "Percy!" I exclaimed before running but was cut off my my legs coming off the ground and a warm feeling spread through my body. I squeaked when I saw my black paws under me. I was a dragon again. I flew for hours until I reached my brothers old apartment. I felt myself beginning to switch back so I landed on his front porch. Heavily breathing I knocked on his door bending over in my beautiful dress completely out of breath the door opened a second later to a very confused man with dark shaggy hair and crystal blue eyes, who was 3 inches taller than me. I stood straight.

"Percy!" I exclaimed launching at him. He was in shock for a second before he wrapped his arms around me slowly and buried his head in my shoulder as we sunk to the ground. We both sobbed against each other loudly and embarrassingly.

"H, how! I held your dead body in my arms" Percy whispered out.

"Hades and Papa saved me. They sent me to world were only Norse gods lived and dragons roamed the earth..." I told him my story, my adventures... my love. He listened intently and hugged me at the end when I cried thinking of Feor.

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