Ch 2 Double Trouble

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A loud crack is heard throughout Elder Realm. Celeste goes flying into one of the ivory pillars. Another crack is heard when she makes contact.

The pillar shaking from the impact. She falls to the ground bloody and badly beaten.

"You had one job! GET ME THAT B*TCH AND BRING HER HERE! She's your daughter! How hard could it be?"

"I mated you to those two so I could cover all my bases. But no! YOUR DUMB *SS DIDN'T GET MARKED, SO YOU COULDN'T REACH HER!"

She powers toward her and slams her foot into Celeste's stomach so deep, her heel grazes her spine.

Celeste lurches upward from the force. Blood gushes out of Celeste's gaping mouth from her overflowing lungs.

"For her sake. I'm glad I wasn't. She's safe from you." She rasps as her lungs and vocal cords heal. Her lips twitch in a bloody smile.

"And now her Chosens are free of you too. You lose b*tch."

Elder Mother yells in anger and kicks her into the pillar once more before storming off. The other mothers wait until Elder Mother has left to tend to Celeste.

Elthya wipes away the blood on her face. "I told you, not to come back if she called Cele."

Her lips tremble. "I told you to stay there. You'd be safe."

"I know, but I still wouldn't be free." She says wincing as her ribs heal themselves.

Elthya nods.

Celeste grips Desdymona's hand as a her leg rights itself and pops back into place.

"Where's Yaz?"

"Elder Mother sent them to kill some guy while you went for Destyni. He killed her. Lydia and Persya too."

Tears roll down her cheeks. "I hope she sends me after him. I'll make sure he pays for killing them."

"What guy? Who is he?"

"I don't know. But he'll regret killing them. I promise." Ayella says, fire blazing in her eyes.

"How did he do it? I thought only an immortal could kill another immortal?" Elthya asks.

"Yeah. Isn't that the same man Elder Mother created Papito to kill and Papito failed?" Sydney asks.

"He must be something else to kill both Papito and Papi, Yaz, Lydia, and Persya."

She paces. "What is he and where did he come from? And where's he been all this time?"

"I don't know, but I feel like we are missing a lot of pieces." Celeste says sitting up and repositioning her jaw.



I wake up some time later to hear giggling, rapid footfalls, crashing and groaning.

I yawn, sit up and rub the sleep from my eyes; stretching the sleep stiffness away. The same butterfly from before flutters overhead before flying off. Leaving a glowing trail behind it.

For a moment I just sit there completely relaxed, until I hear another crash.

Let's go see what's going on.

My feet make contact with the thick grass. My toes welcoming it's softness. I pass a wooden column with violet colored lilies wrapped around it. A few honey bees buzz around them, occasionally landing to sample their nectar.

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