Chapter 29

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Chapter 29
Tony's POV
Tony was looking at a small display case that Pepper had given him what seemed like a thousand years go. It was his first electromagnet that kept the shrapnel from killing him. This proves that Tony Stark has a heart was in bold black letters around it. He remembered the time before all of this where it was just Pepper and Rhodey. Tony's computer chimed and Jarvis started to give him information. "Woah woah woah Jarvis slow down. Hydras at this location." Tony asked and Jarvis took a moment.

"The computer has detected that Hydra is at this location and they seem to be building something that's been draining the surrounding areas power." Jarvis said and Tony growled a bit.

"Fine fine tell everyone to meet in the debriefing room immediately." Tony said printing out the papers and alerting SHIELD. He headed down to the debriefing room and saw everyone was already there waiting for him the same worried or cold expression on their faces.

"You found something on Hydra?" Roman said and Tony noticed how she was wearing a flannel in a 80 degree room. He narrowed his eyes but answered.

"I have reason to believe I found Hydras main operating base. It also looks like their building something huge considering power in that area has been increasing." Tony said displaying what little information he had onto the board.

"Should we gear up and take them out now? Wouldn't that be best?" Steve said standing and Tony glared at him.

"Hydra doesn't know we have this information so I suggest we wait. We hold back make sure we gather everything we need before we hit this base. I want this to be over once and for all." Tony said and Steve nodded.

"How long do we think we should wait?" Natasha asked and Tony had to think.

"A month I would say. We still need to have a drop on them but we should have everything by a month right?" Roman said and a few people nodded. "Then we all should be ready to go in a month and we can stop and wipe them out once and for all."

"Are you sure your ready for battle?" Bruce asked and all eyes fell onto him.

"I've been practicing." Roman said and Bruce glared at her, "within my limits Doc don't worry. But I think if I just take a month off and train some more with Natasha I should be ready to go." Roman said and Natasha nodded.

"I'll be glad to give you some tips." Natasha asked and Clint grunted.

"I'll help you with your shot, fireballs ain't going to cut it sweet cheeks." Clint said and Roman glared at him.

"Get everything you need by the end of the month and then were going there first thing April first." Tony said and the team all nodded starting to gather things.

Tony went back to his room and started to fix his suit. Tweaking a few things so the suit worked smoothly. He heard a whistle from his door and he turned around to see Roman. "This is the suit then huh?"  She asked admiring it.

"This is my baby right here." Tony said stroking the red paint. Roman giggled at his actions and held up his helmet.

"Its nice fit." Roman said putting on the helmet which hummed to life.

"Wanna try it on?" Tony asked almost shocking himself.

"Of course I know I want to try this on." Roman said giggling and Tony reprogrammed a few things and clicked a button. Suddenly pieces from around the shop flew together and locked into place.

Everything that once was Roman was covered by Tony's suit. He snapped a quick photo and smiled. "It looks great on you." Tony said smiling and jumping as Roman suddenly shot off the stabilizers. "Don't think about that!" Tony said pressing more buttons disengaging the weapons system.

"Damn the recoil in this thing hurts like a bitch though." Roman said shaking her hand the suit whirling with it.

"Yeah the suit ain't for everyone darling." Tony said taking the pieces off of Roman.

"Yeah too bad." Roman said giggling as Tony didn't want to touch the breast plate. "Tony its fine, its not like you would be touching my breasts." Roman said taking the piece off and handing it to Tony who nodded.

"Yeah but still I feel like Loki would cut my fingers off." Tony said staring to work on the chest plate and Roman hovered over him making him slightly annoyed. "Need something else?"

"Just the fact that this wire should hook up here and that should be there to help the flow of energy reach it faster." Roman said taking the welder from Tony's hand and working on his baby. She handed him the chest plate and he started the suit.

Sure enough Roman was right, the energy beam released from his chest was faster and powerful. "Wanna help me with the rest of my suit?" Tony said smiling and Roman nodded.

"Sure, I mean it's just small changes to help with agility and flexibility." Roman said rewiring a few things and Tony watched amazed.

It seemed like hours of them tweaking his suit. Tony explained the mechanics and Roman tweaked the wiring and nodded in agreement. "All done." Roman said smiling and Tony called the suit to him. The pieces slamming into his body and he could feel everything move easier. He movements were more fluid and quick. And Roman smiled as he fired off a few blasts at the wall.

"It holds beautifully." Tony said using the thrusters to boost himself upwards. Everything works so much smoother.

"Well I'm glad! But like you I need to go get ready. We still have a month but I want to train with Nat and I know she's probably down there training." Roman waved and Tony smiled.

I'm so lucky to have her in my life.

Romans POV
This entire month had been Roman getting her ass handed to her by Nat. Yep a time skip what a big surprise, sorry Readers. Roman said smiling softly and blowing no one a kiss. Clint had improved her aim a lot over the past month and Roman was able to use a gun pretty well. Bucky had also helped her with hand to hand combat often demonstrating with Steve and teaching her how to fight to her advantage.

"Are we all ready to do this?" Tony asked and everyone nodded. Loki came up from besides her and squeezed her hand gently.

"Your going to be fine love. You'll have me and Hellfire to watch over you." Loki said and Roman smiled and nodded.

"You have the team to watch over you. Nobody is alone out there. Were all on coms so if anything gets to rough you just call in and I'm sure Loki will be there faster than any of us." Steve said and Roman smiled.

She was so blessed to have a team that watched her back. More importantly Roman had something she never thought she would have. Roman found herself a family, the odd ones out that helped her accept who she is and fight for what's right. "Thank you all so much." Roman said tearing up and Loki held her hands comfortingly as if to say he was right besides her.

"Now lets go kick some Hydra ass." Bucky said getting into the drop ship that was carrying every supply the team needed.

They flew the cargo ship in complete silence. A few unspoken words here and there mainly words of encouragement saying it would all be okay. Natasha cleaned her weapons and Clint cleaned his bow and arrow. Bruce was messing around with different medicines and Tony was walking around in his suit of armor.

Whatever happened they would have each other. Right?

Don't forget to vote ! -Leto

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