Chapter 7

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Chapter 7
Roman woke up from another nightmare, luckily it wasn't as terrifying as the others and she hadn't lit the house on fire. Wade was gone and Peter was sleeping on the pillow besides her. Roman got up and took the pills Wade had given her and ate some toast. Job hunting was irrelevant because she knew no one would ever take her designs. Peter meowed as Roman feed him which he was dangerously low on food. Roman was also low on money considering she was housing a god for the past month.

"Morning." Loki's voice chimed from the kitchen as he walked around the house.

"Spying on me now?" Roman said smirking and Loki chuckled.

"Please a god spying on a helpless Midgaurdian such as yourself. You would be considered lucky if you ever got the chance." Loki said sitting on the couch.

"Hey I have good qualities." Roman said sitting besides him and turning on Netflix, "well I mean I don't but that's besides the point." Roman said chuckling and then her Netflix account said she needed to pay.

"Financial troubles?" Loki asked confused and Roman nodded.

"Money goes quick when your feeding a god." Roman said laughing but the guilt on Loki's face made her stop, "no no! It's not your fault. I should have tried harder at my job to stay their even if it meant submitting and making something stupid." Roman sighed and rubbed her eyes.

"You should never submit, that's one of your amazing attributes. Your very determined at what you do and they should have given you the chance." Loki said smiling faintly and Roman felt butterflies in her stomach.

"Your being uncharacteristically nice what's your issue." Roman said giggling as Peter tried jumping onto Loki's lap and fell onto the couch.

"Just the team not trusting me. They wonder where I disappeared to and after last night with me disappearing after the mention of you they may try to find you." Loki said sighing. "I'm sorry I've cast you into this life without your permission." Loki said his clone shimmering as Peter tried playing with his hands

"Please I was cast into this life as soon as I met Wade." Roman said laughing.

"How did the two of you meet anyways?" Loki asked and Roman smirked.

"Well I was on of his targets." Roman said laughing at the reality of it.

"He was hired to kill you? By who?" Loki asked almost sounding angry.

"Wade Wilson was hired by my father to assassinate me, he got extra money if he made it look like a suicide." Roman said laughing at the irony. "But instead of killing me he saved me." Roman said thinking about the first day they meet.

New York was dark and stormy. Instead of snow it was pouring rain so hard it hurt the bare skin when it hit. Roman had just lost her job as a barista and got kicked out of her apartment because she couldn't make rent. She had just finished college and was drowning in debt. She just couldn't deal with any more shit.

She was walking around the city without an umbrella being swept around by business men and women with briefcases. She broke free from the wave of people and climbed the stairs of a nearby office building, making her way to the roof. She sat with herself hanging from the railing overlooking the city. The city life buzzing despite it pouring bullets of rain. She could spot the multi colored umbrellas in a sea of black in an instant. The difference making her smile to herself.

"Hey you don't have to do it." A voice said from behind her. She got up and still held onto the railing.

"Yeah well can't stop me sweet cheeks." Roman said softly moving herself so she was facing the ledge.

Fire and IceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora