Chapter 10

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Chapter 10
Roman woke up the same she does every morning, utterly confused of everything. She woke up in a new room and hell if she was kidnapped this was the life. Wait, right she was forced to live in Stark tower. "Peter." Roman said calling the cat who happily looking into her room. "Come on." Roman picked up the cat and decided to look around her room. The kitchen was fully operational and the mini fridge had a lot of coffee in it.

"Mrs. Smith I was asked to remind you about breakfast with the team. Mr. Stark should escort you to the kitchen." The automated voice Tony called Jarvis said and Roman nodded her head.

"Thanks Jarvis." Roman said opening up a bottle of coffee and drank from it, it didn't wake her up unless it was black but it tasted delicious. There was a knock on her door and she went to open it.

"Your going to breakfast in cloths?" Tony asked looking at Roman who had already changed out of her pajamas.

"Yep, you're going in sweats a tank top and glasses." Roman said smirking and Tony nodded.

"Breakfast in pajamas. It's a must everyone does it, even I do." Tony said gesturing down to his pajama bottoms that had iron man on them.

"Hold up you buy your own merchandise?" Roman said letting Tony into her room and going back to her closet and putting on some pajama bottoms and a tight shirt, what she slept in.

"Yeah I'm a big part of the community." Tony said smiling, "I mean the art work and the writing." Tony said laughing to himself.

"Surprising. A lot of the community publishes some not so appropriate things." Roman said raising a brow. Tony let out a fox call and Roman did a small spin.

"You mean like that Stony and Stucky fanfic you wrote." Tony said making Roman bust into a fit of coughing. "If it helps you have phenomenal writing and all of that smut." Tony laughed as Roman blushed.

Roman tried to formulate a sentence but her brain shut down. "Dont- what- why?" Roman said laughing and rubbing her face.

"Well in my defense I read it before I knew it was you who wrote it." Tony said smiling, "Fire Goddess is one of the community's favorite writers." Tony said and Roman blushed. "Well anyways I'm the only one that knows Fire Goddess so let's get to breakfast." Tony said offering Roman his hand which she took.

"After you Tony Stark." Roman said smiling quoting a line from her fan fiction.

"Ah, well i must say you really do know how to write a story with strong female characters." Tony said smiling, Roman looked at him confused, "I found some of your other books you've posted. I used my money to get information on my favorite writer." Tony said laughing.

"Well that means a lot coming from you." Roman said smirking. "And this breakfast better be heavenly considering you made me change into my pajamas." Roman said laughing.

"Well Red you're in for a treat. We have our very own soldier cooking breakfast for us." Tony said and Roman looked at him confused.

"Oh you mean Steve!" Roman said looking away. "I didn't actually know he cooked." Roman said and Tony laughed.

"Yep he cooks us breakfast then for the rest of the day everyone just gets food from a sushi joint down the street." Tony said as they entered into the elevator going to the kitchen. And then Roman was forced into breakfast. Steve was the sweetest person she had ever met, like a real Boy Scout. Nat was nice in her own ways but Roman could see she was wary of her. Peter is well Peter. Bruce Banner despite him having a green demon in him was shy and nervous to even meet Roman. Hawkeye didn't even bother introducing himself and went on his way of devouring almost an entire plate of pancakes. Sam introduced himself as Falcon before devouring his pancakes. Doctor Strange even popped in to introduce himself before disappearing in the middle of the day. Thor and Loki she already knew and watched her intently as she picked at her pancakes feeling overwhelmed.

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