Chapter 28

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Chapter 28
Roman woke up later to find Loki gone and she set off to doing something. Roman went to the kitchen a cooked random amounts of food and threw it into the fridge, she went to the training room and punched out her anger. "Training there Red?" Peter said from behind her and she threw a fireball at him which he nearly dodged.

"Sorry you scared me. Yeah i was training. Need something Petey?" Roman asked and Peter nodded and blushed.

"Wade had to go out of town for some Merc mission he didn't tell me about and I'm worried." Peter said and Roman nodded.

"I'll check on him give me a minute." Roman said as she teleported to where she knew Wade would be.

"Holy shit nuggets!" Wade said accidentally firing a round into his stomach and red liquid flowed from the wound.

"Sorry!" Roman said quickly putting a hand on Wades stomach and healing him.

"You know it would have just healed on its own right?" Wade said smirking and Roman rolled her eyes with a frown.

"What's going on between you and Peter?" Roman said sitting besides him looking over the ledge. This is where they met and where Wade often went to clear his thoughts. The highest building in New York (not including Starks Tower), the golden hues of the sun setting on the horizon turning the windows of the city golden.

"There's nothing going on." Wade muttered getting up.

"Ah ah don't you pout Wade seriously whats wrong." Roman said grabbing him and he spun her around so she was pinned against the wall and held her with her hands above her head.

"Don't ask me Roman." Wade hissed tightening his grip and she whimpered and he dropped her suddenly as if realizing what he had done. "Sorry- I uh- I'm going to go." Wade said and Roman stopped him again grabbing onto his hoodie which was hiding his face.

"Wade stop. What's the matter?" Roman demanded and he grabbed her hands again.

"I fucked up." Wade mumbled and Roman looked at him confused. "I fucked up okay?" Wade said louder, sounding angrier.

"What happened." Roman said and Wade gave her a harsh glare but continued.

"I slept with another man." Wade mumbled and Roman just squeezed his hands.

"Wade just tell Peter, I'm sure he'll be hurt but he should be glad that you told him." Roman said softly.

"I don't think I should be taking your advice when it comes to dating, considering you couldn't even get you fiance to stay." Wade said harshly his words piercing through her walls.

"Fine then, be a complete asshole and have this blow up in your face." Roman said tearing up and teleporting away from Wade who realized what he said and tried to apologize.

She teleported to the tower and popped directly into the kitchen scaring Bucky half to death. "Morning Roman." Bucky said raising his mug a little bit and Roman but down the surge of emotions she felt trying to break through.

"Morning. Where Steve isn't he suppose to be watching you and all that." Roman said grabbing out different ingredients and Bucky watched confused.

"Tony let me go after the whole thing with Hydra, I'm still under house arrest but I can move about freely." Bucky said taking Romans hands and tugging up her sleeves. "What happened?" He said almost growling.

Roman had to look down to see the bruises on her wrists. Dark purple bruises that went around bother her wrists. "Bucky it's fine really just a small accident when I was training." Roman said quickly waved her hand and the bruises faded.

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