Chapter 28

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The day is finally here. Today I will pick the one I know I want to be with. The past few months I put myself through emotions I never experienced before. I started to like Lloyd and Dylan. However, crushes are just that and even though my heart still hurts a little from it. I knew that just like a normal girl or guy it wasn’t the end of liking someone. You can have a few crushes but you can only have one you actually like. Crush is only the idea of them while liking them is wanting them and could become maybe even loving them. Crushing still hurts but in the end you will get over it.

“So are you going to tell me who you pick?” Lily asked as we set in my room.

“No, I want to tell the person first” I said as I looked at the clock.

We had a sleepover and it was an hour before I had to go to school. I was super nervous but happy the school is letting Lily follow me around for the day. Although, we both are afraid what people will say since you can see her stomach and tell that she is expecting.

“Fine, can I watch?” she asked.

“No” I said.

She pouts but soon time passed and lunch came by fast. All the guys knew what today was and was nervous. I was even nervous. When was the perfect time? I didn’t want to do it in front of the school but how will I get that one alone? Soon the lunch bell rung and we went off to class. Around six period I had to pee like really bad. I raised my hand.

“Yes?” the teacher asked.

“May I go to the bathroom?” I asked.

“Yes” the teacher said.

I got up and walked to the bathroom. After I was done I walked out and turned down the hallway to bump into someone. I looked up to see Jayden.

“Oh sorry” he says as smiles at me.

“It is fine” I said as I smile back at him.

He walks passed me and I just stood there before turning around while speaking.

“I pick you” I blurted out.

He stops walking and slowly turns to look at me.

“What?” he asked.

“I pick you” I said again.

I look him in the eyes and he showed no emotion. He seemed frozen.

“Me?” he asked.

Do I have to repeat myself again? Did I really catch him off guard?

“Yes you” I said.

Now here comes the smile and his smile makes me smile. I thought about it and I read that letter again. I know Dylan sent me the other letters before because I ended up asking him and I remembered what Jayden said. But as I looked at the letter Jayden gave me just made me think of how I felt all the time with him. That one moment up on the stage with him. I felt at home in his arms and I loved every second.

“I was sure it would be someone else” he says.

They all knew Dylan was out of it. Dylan made that clear to them. But I can see why he thought that.

“Well I pick you so to your question a while ago. Yes, we could have a future together” I said which made him chuckle.

“What made you figure out it was me?” he asked.

“Future surgent” I said.

“Well so that is a yes to that question?” Jayden asks.

“Yes, it is. But see you took that step and you aren’t drowning. You now have an amazing girlfriend” I said as I smiled at him.

“I did learn from my amazing girlfriend to take risks” he says.

“Glad you actually took it but I have to get back to class before my teacher sends someone to find more” I said.

He chuckles before turning back around. I turned around as we both walked off. The day went by fast and for some reason we all met up in the band room. It was the last day before break so no after school today but I guess everyone wanted to know.

“So?” Lily asked.

“He already knows” I said.

“Who?” Summer asked.

“Well it isn’t me” Kol says as he smiles at me.

“Either Jayden or Nate” Collin says.

It could have been any of the others. But I guess Collin already figured before that it was one of them and even Dylan told them who he thought out of everyone.

“Jayden” Nate said as he looks at Jayden.

Jayden just looks at the ceiling as he has his hands in his pockets.

“Yes, it is him” I said.

This is so weird. I hate this and I think Jayden does as well.

“So does this mean you guys are a thing?” Lily asked as she smiles at me.

“He didn’t ask her out. It is more that they confessed their feelings” Carly said.

Actually, she is wrong.

“Nope, she is my amazing girlfriend” Jayden said as he smiled at me.

I smiled as I looked into his eyes. I think I made the right choice. After that moment even though the others was disappointed I didn’t pick them we all moved on from it. The year went on and I was happy with my choice. My brother even was happy and my dad was happy but gave him that talk about sex. He threatened him that if I get pregnant anytime soon before he slides a ring on my finger than he will regret it the rest of his life. We also went on a few dates and now the whole school knows about us. Elite was pissed because he lost the bet. However, today was the day Jayden graduated high school. Along with Austin, Nate, Dylan, Collin, and Tristan. It was time to watch them all walk down and take their seat as we listened to people talk about their class until it came to calling out names. I cheered as all the people I care about got called. After it ended I met them and gave them each a hug. When I got to Jayden I stopped and smiled at him.

“I am glad I picked you” I whispered as I hugged him.

“I am glad you picked me. You complete everyday” he whispers.

I stay holding him but move so I could kiss him. I did really like him and since the day we became a couple my stomach flutters even more each time I am with him. I really hope he is my future and I am his future.

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