Chapter 5

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I woke up as I felt someone softly hit my cheek with their cold hands. I growled and rolled over but just as I rolled over. I was yanked off of the bed and clung to the person who pulled me off of the bed making them fall with me. I looked at the person under me to see Nate glaring at me.

"Didn't know you were so tough to get up" he mumbled.

"Maybe try being nice about waking me up. Instead of slapping my face with your cold hand or pulling me out of bed" I stated as I set up but was still on top of him.

Most people would find this awkward and freak out. However, since this is Nate and not some other guy I don't really care.

"I did try to call your name and I even called your full name. I tried to wake you up with the smell of tasty food that I made and I even tried to softly shake you awake. But you didn't want to get up" he said as he just laid there with his arms behind his head.

He didn't seem to care either about how we were positioned at the moment.

"Sure you did" I mumbled as I finally got up off of him.

He stood up and I smiled at him until I seen the time. It was 9:30 which was an hour after school starts. We should be in second hour.

"Shit! Do you even know what time it is?" I nearly screamed.

Nate just smiled as he nodded his head yes.

"Yeah, I called your father and told him what was going on. He even called your name out by the way. But you just wouldn't wake up so he told me just to let you sleep and either go in late or stay home. He wasn't to mad that this happened since my parents even talked to him. He is oddly not as strict as I thought he was" Nate said as he started to pick up the blankets and pillows that fell from the bed when I was pulled off.

"So what are we going to to do?" I asked but I knew Nate was going to ditch school if he was given the choice too.

"Oh sweety, I think you already know the answer to that. Plus, I already told Austin his lover and his queen won't be here today which I don't know why I am his queen now" Nate said as he made the bed with my help.

"Bromance going on" I whispered as I smiled at him.

Nate gave me an odd look before rolling his eyes.

"What do you want to eat since I don't think you want two-hour-old bacon and eggs?" he asked.

"I don't know," I said as I picked up my phone.

I unlocked it to see that my dad was already brought up so I texted him sorry that I didn't get up in time and ended up missing school.

When I looked up from my phone Nate was shirtless and in the middle of putting on a new shirt.

"Do you really have to get undress right here?" I asked as I looked at him oddly.

I don't mind him changing shirts but a warning would have been nice. Also, he wasn't that bad looking either. He wasn't buff or six-pack guy but he had just enough muscle.

"Why not? You seem to enjoy looking at me. Plus, I don't see how it is odd as long as my pants stay on" he says as he smiles at me.

"I don't enjoy looking at you. But you do actually look good" I stated as I walked passed him.

Nate just smiled as he looked at his phone.

"Oh some underwear and bra is in the dresser since my mother picked a pair up for you. Also, a pair of my pants and shirt is in the dresser as well. So go take a shower and get ready. We are going someplace" he said before he left the room.

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