Chapter 8

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My eyes widened as I stared over at my mother and brother. I haven't seen them since I was in third grade. My parents didn't split up or anything just my mother got a job offer somewhere else and my father couldn't leave so they agreed to make it work somehow between them. They did make it work and whenever one of us had a chance to visit the other we would. Yet, none of us had the chance since they left because of work, school, and money. I almost thought I wouldn't see them again. Besides over video calls and pictures. My mom and brother met all my friends. They talked them before over a video call. That was the only way I ever seen them.

"Mom! Wyatt!" I said as I hugged them both.

"You have grown" my mother whispered as she hugged me.

"Missed you, little sis," he says.

We pull away and my parents leave to go pick up dinner. I set down with my brother as he unpacked in his room.

"How long are you guys staying?" I asked.

"A few weeks... I have college and mom has work" he says.

He is two years older than me.

"Wish you could stay... I miss you guys" I mumbled.

He looks up from folding his close and smiles at me.

"I know... I miss you too. But you have school here and dad. Speaking of school, how is it going? Heard you got in trouble and have to help out some group, right?" he asks.asked.

"It is going good. But I did get in trouble for punching a girl for making fun of my best friend. So I got off with a warning and had to help the Empire of Karma group out" I explained.

He pulls out a black bag that was under his bag and hands it to me.

"How is that going? Oh those are for you" he says as he goes back to unpacking.

I open the bag to see some close folded nicely together. I pulled them out and started to look at them.

"Good, I guess. We are getting along pretty well actually. It is fun spending time with them but it can get weird" I said as I smiled at the outfits.

There was a beautiful lace pink dress that had a white dress coat with it. The next outfit was a cute red shirt with a black knee length skirt. The last outfit was cute fluffy purple and pink pjs.

"How can it be weird?" he asked.

"Theses are all cute! Thank you! But it can get weird just on how they act at times" I said as I put the three outfits back into the bag.

"Mom picked them out so of course they are cute. I would have picked something that covered you from head to toe. But do they flirt with you or something?" he asks as he looks at me.

I looked over at him with wide eyes as he asked that question.

"W-what? No, it is just that... they sometimes act like they... um could possibly... like me" I mumbled.

I could feel my face burning. This was just weird telling your older brother.

"So they do flirt and hit on you. But they need my permission before they can even date you... but do you like any of them?" he asked as he smiled at me.

"This is weird talking to you about... you're my brother and I don't even talk to my friends about this. Also, I don't even know who I like. But can we please talk about something else?" I asked as I looked at the ground.

Soon we moved to a different topic and it wasn't much longer until my parents came back with dinner. We all set at the dinner table for the first time in forever. They brought back pizza from my dad's favorite shop since they don't deliver.

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