Chapter 9

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I woke up to my phone ringing. So I picked it up to see Nate was calling. I answered it and laid back down in bed with it up against my ear.

"Come outside. We need to talk" he says before hanging up.

Tomorrow is school and it is almost one in the morning. No wonder he is always grumpy. I got up and walked outside to see him standing next to his car.

"I shouldn't have kissed you but not because of Veronica. I shouldn't have kissed you because of Austin and it just wasn't right for me to do" he says which it pissed me more off that Veronica isn't a reason he shouldn't kiss me.

"Veronica should be the main reason you shouldn't kiss me. That is why you didn't go any further because you knew it was wrong" I said as I stood there looking at him.

He walks over to me and looks me in the eyes.

"Paige, I... I regret even putting my lips on yours and I shouldn't have but I also regret stopping. But the reason... but I don't... Veronica wasn't the reason I stopped because I would have kept going and wouldn't have given a fuck. Yet, it wasn't right" he says.

"What the fuck? So you are fucking okay with cheating? Let me guess you aren't going to tell her. Do you even like her? I need to get to bed. Goodnight" I said before walking into the house and locking the door.

I wait until I hear his car leave and I go back to my bed. But I couldn't fall asleep because the guilt was eating me alive. Soon my alarm went off and I got up to get ready for school. Today was a lazy outfit and my brother ends up taking me to school. I didn't say a word to him just started to walk to the our table until I seen Nate sitting there. I didn't want to be the girl that ends a friendship because he kissed her but he kissed me while dating another girl. He put me in a spot I don't want to be and he doesn't even own up to it. I am so pissed at him right now. I sigh as I decided to just go to class. It is too early to deal with this mess right now. I stood outside of the classroom until the bell rung and I went on with my day until third period which was right before lunch. I was freaking out about lunch.

"Are you okay?" Dylan asks.

"Not really" I answer as we set there messing with food.

The project we were doing was put on hold since the normal teacher had to leave for a few weeks for family issues. Now we are just learning more about food and Dylan was put as my partner.

"What is wrong?" he asks as he flips the recipe book open to chocolate covered strawberries that looked so good.

"I don't know if I should tell you" I mumbled.

"I could help somehow like give advice or emotional support," he says.

"Fine and those looks really good. Never actually had chocolate covered strawberries" I said as I kept playing with the food.

"I am all ears. But really? You should try some one day" he says.

I looked at him and took a deep breath.

"Yesterday I found out that Andy, if you remember him at all, was killed by his parents but only Nate and I know. But after that Nate kisses me or at least a tease type of kiss it was. After that, I find out he has a girlfriend and he states he didn't stop for his girlfriend. That she isn't even the reason he stopped and wouldn't be the reason. It bothers me that he did that and said that. He has a girlfriend and does that" I explained as I looked back at the food.

"He seems like a good guy and maybe there is something he isn't telling you or that you are missing. Maybe you both need to talk and work it out. Let him know that he needs to tell her what he did and if he doesn't then tell her yourself but first get the full story" he says.

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