Mina couldn't argue much with her response since he was talented in the fashion department. Cory was the star pupil at his and Heidi's cosmetology classes that had numbered a considerable amount of thirty people wanting to enter the field. She hated to admit he was one of the best, at least in their town. That didn't explain the deeper meaning of her question though, she disliked the guy too much to bear his presence for too long. That being said, they had a bad history in their so-called trio.

"I hate to intrude in on your little chit chat ladies, not so much really, but I do have places to be, my darlings."

Cory had entered the kitchen and Heidi, being the problem solver that she seemingly is, guided them both out to the living room to hopefully settle their differences.

"We know, Cor, just getting the refreshments out," she swiftly pulled out more wine glasses and soda for them as Mina took a tray with snacks out with her.

"Now, speak out loud and let's settle this once and for all."

Mina's eyes drifted from one to the other as they were both staring at her like she held the magical answers. She sighed and straightened up in her seat on the sofa across from him.

"Okay from the beginning then, the first time we met you called me the virgin Mina an hour into the conversation and made fun of my flat chest," she stated the fact that still irked her every time his name came up.

It was a Sunday afternoon that she had had off work and met with her best friend at a pancake house that served breakfast food all hours it was open, it was definitely their second favorite place to eat daily if possible. They tried half the menu by then, but that day was different because it was a three-way split meal they'd agreed to. Mina was excited to meet a new close friend of Heidi's, such a variety of colleagues she always managed to befriend. After Heidi introduced her best friend to her new one and started a flow of conversation with ease, they were beginning to get well acquainted. Soon they could even joke and laugh together, but the conversation took a turn into their love lives that called out for more personal information. Unfortunately, it didn't end well as hurtful words were said and the next few outings weren't all too peachy either.

"And I apologized remember? but you did have a flat chest, hun, you said it," Cory pointed out with a knowing look.

It wasn't a lie, Mina has always had a stick like a figure up until adulthood, but even then she was a skinny woman with wide hips. She was compared to a boy many times as a child by those monstrous bullies at primary, especially when she had a shorter haircut. On her twenty-first birthday, she decided endlessly long hair was the way she wanted it, not caring the cost of more shampoo and conditioner. Her chest was flat at the time, but she couldn't change that even if she wanted to.

Sensing she was still miffed about their first encounter and the others that followed he tried to amend the damages. "Now look how well you filled out, nothin', but slim thick buns, hun!"

"Yeah sugarplum, that was like two years ago, forgive and forget."

Both Heidi and Cory share a doe-eyed look that made her eventually give in to their wishes. It was Heidi's comment that really made the decision clear. It was due time to forgive and forget about the past. She sighed and slumped in her seat, making them cheer in victory.

"Fine, but leave all mean comments aside if you don't want to get kicked out," she stared at him non-blinking until he nodded in agreement with the demand. Luckily for him, she did give second chances.

Cory motioned to zipping his lips from corner to corner as a means to leaving all rudeness aside, then smiled brightly at her as he stood next to her, "Okay, let us start with this hair, it needs volume..."

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