He was beginning to feel restless. SNU wasn't that far from his school. They should have been here ages ago, so why weren't they? Turning off the shower, Jungkook quickly patted himself dry and put the clothes Jin had given him on.

Bursting out of the bathroom with the intention of calling Jimin to ask him just where the heck he was, Jungkook halted when he heard the sound of Yoongi's door unlocking before it was pushed open by a extremely attractive young man, not much older than he was, followed by two more slightly older looking youths and then...

"Hyung!" Jungkook cried, throwing himself at Jimin as he squeezed the blonde in relief. Jimin made a strangled sound as he tapped Jungkook on the backside of his shoulder, trying to get him to loosen the chokehold he had him in. Releasing his friend, Jungkook gladly pushed Jimin in the direction of the living area, closing the front door before following.

Yoongi and Jin looked over at the group that had just entered, taking in the new faces, pale and somewhat traumatised by the events they had no doubt experienced. Taking in the bloodstains and odd dents that marked Taehyung's saxophone case, as well as the tinge of red on the bottom Jimin's jeans, Jin clapped his hands and looked at the group of newcomers with what he hoped was a reassuring smile.

"How about everyone takes a shower and then we can all introduce ourselves?" He suggested.


Now freshly showered and changed into the comfortable baggy clothing that Yoongi had generously lent the newcomers, everyone sat in silence, each young man lost in thought. Sharing a look with Jin, Yoongi cleared his throat.

"So I guess we've all had an encounter with those..."

"Zombies." Jimin and Taehyung finished. Yoongi nodded.

"We've all encountered them. I'm sure you're all in shock but hopefully everything is under control. We alerted the police after we first saw them and sent them to what we believe was the source." He states, hoping that he was speaking calmly as he observed Hoseok. The young man seemed to be rather skittish. He'd have to watch him.

"But there were loads of them around SNU! Where did it start that it could have possibly spread all the way not just to the uni, but around it too?" Taehyung's lips twisted as he recalled the mass attack, eyebrows furrowing as he thought about the damage he had inflicted on his saxophone case in his acts of self-defence.

"We think something happened at my school, so we called the police to go over there and they told us to stay away and that they'll call us later." Jungkook inputted quietly. He wasn't great with meeting people for the first time in general, and the circumstances for their meeting were quite a way aways from being normal.

As a result, he was seated at the end of one of the sofas, shielded by the only person he knew among these men; Jimin. The older youth had a reassuring hand resting on his knee as everyone processed what he had said. Namjoon, seated in the adjacent armchair, was watching the television, which was set on the 24 hour news channel. He blinked at the sudden headline that appeared, indicating breaking news.

"Um, excuse me, c-could you turn up the volume?" He asked, breaking the silence that had descended on the group. All eyes turned to the the flatscreen attached to the wall as Jin grabbed the remote and increased the volume.

"...the strange behaviour exhibited by citizens in Seoul after they are attacked has caused them to be branded by many eye-witnessed as 'zombies'. After victims are bitten, they have been said to rise again and join in with the existing creatures as they attack more citizens." Quiet blanketed the room. Namjoon caught Hoseok's eye as his friend leaned back in his seat, taking a shaky breath as he fidgetted on Jimin's other side.

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