Not As Simple (13th)

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For those who need the truth...

Part 5

Once again, you found yourself in the TARDIS, but now, the machine was carrying an additional passenger.

It wasn't the first time Lise Meitner had entered the TARDIS, for she casually strolled into it with no reaction of it being scientifically impossible. Even now, she seemed to be taking charge by standing next to the Doctor, who was navigating the way to wherever you lot were heading to.

"Where're we going?" you asked first, beating the other three companions.

It felt like weeks since you found out you were dying, and if you hadn't already, you were dying for answers. The plan that the Doctor was formulating should be complete by now.

The Doctor looked at you while turning a handle in a clockwise motion before realising she was spinning it the wrong way. She quickly corrected herself before answering, "Sorry, I don't drive well while talking. You know what they say, don't drink and drive!"

"Doctor, you're not drinking."

"Same thing, Graham. Besides, bit of a long story."

Ryan's impatience was equal to yours, "Doctor, I think we've had enough stories. We need the plan now if we're going to save (Y/N) and end this once and for all."

Pulling a plug from the console, the Doctor waved the smoke that was now being choked up from the hole where the plug once rested. Through the noise that the engine was making, the Doctor shouted, "Professor! Do you mind explaining while I keep us going?"

You could tell Meitner was trying her best not to look surprised.

"Explain what exactly?"

"What happened last time, and the plan! Should be the same!" the Doctor said, "Oh! Don't forgot to include the detail where everyone lives!"

She composed herself really well as she agreed and gathered the rest of you to a quieter corner of the console room. Giving you a sympathetic look, she said, "You're very brave, just like Hahn. Marching into battle with that smile of yours."

Confused, you thanked her and continued to wear that smile, because you didn't even know what you were getting yourself into.

"These Spirits have chased after Hahn for a while," Meitner explained as the rest of you listened attentively, "but because of the war, Hahn was able to move from place to place, not only to escape the chaos, but also to evade these creatures. They took the form of a homeless man. At first he thought nothing of it, but when he crossed country borders and found the man close by every time, he grew suspicious. The day we discovered the isotope of protactinium was the day that man chose to attack."

She paused and gestured to the Doctor, "It was also a very lucky day. She turned up right at our doorstep, a strange device in hand, and made the homeless man unconscious. We tied him up and the Doctor wanted to question him, but the Spirit hogging onto him left its shell and headed straight for Hahn."

"Then what happened?" asked Yaz as Meitner had gone silent for a while. From her facial expressions, she seemed to be replaying the events that had happened that day. The horror in her eyes made your blood run cold.

"Hahn was holding on to a piece of the isotope, not directly of course. It all happened too fast, Hahn held it in front of him as a shield and the was like a ghost. It zoomed right at him and started take over him."

"Reminder, nobody died."

The Doctor suddenly appeared between you and Graham, causing the two of you to jump. She was so sneaky, you didn't even hear her. Why wasn't she called the Ninja instead?

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