Him (11th)

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For those that hate change...

TARDIS, orbiting Earth
After Vampires in Venice

The Earth, habitat to the ever-expanding human race, stood strong and proud in the midst of the solar system. The stars surrounding the humble planet burnt brightly in the infinite space, celebrating a victory that had been won in a planet a few million light years away. Of course, sacrifices have been made, lives have been lost, but it had saved a civilization from becoming extinct.

A blue, rectangular, London police box had materialized in orbit of the planet, circling it as its passengers took a breather. They had been involved in this victory, but they weren't as joyous as they should be.

The four of them had just returned from one of the many adventures they had. He was quick to recover from it, moving around the console as he adjusted the controls to keep the TARDIS stablised. She, however, had something bothering her, he knew, and he could guess what, which was usually correct, but he didn't know how to confront her about it. She never talked about it, ever since he changed. He never got to say his goodbye personally. He only remembered to give her his specs, just as he wanted him to.

Noticing the tension building up between them, the couple retreated to their room, or one of the rooms in the 'bigger on the inside' box, leaving the two alone for some privacy.

He bit his lip, thinking of how he could start a conversation. He knew she was thinking about him, the familiar specs in her hands giving it most away. She sat there in the comfy console seat, staring at the pair of black glasses, seeming deep in thought. Usually he would complain that she was in his 'captain's seat', and she would teasingly stand up and salute with a 'yes sir!', but today, he didn't. He had a feeling in his gut telling him that he shouldn't, especially after an adventure like this that reminded her so much of him. He wished he could come back to talk to her, see her be her normal self again, before the change, but that wasn't possible. For an impossible man, he had found an impossible task to fulfill.

His hands brushed against the console as he walked towards her. She avoided glancing at him, or responding to the small alarm which he had accidentally set off when his fingers subconsciously pushed a button. He could sense the tension between the two of them, just as the couple did, and he did not like it, not one bit.

He inhaled deeply, knowing that he had to break the ice. Whatever she hasn't moved on from, he has to help her with it. He has to, to make sure their relationship wouldn't become more distant than it is now. He took a seat beside her, his weight forcing the chair to tilt towards his end slightly. Principle of moments could explain this phenomenon, but he didn't have time to think of that. He had to help her, and he regretted not thinking before speaking.

"Do you still see him?" He asked bluntly, flicking a speck of dust of the console to make the situation seem less awkward. Silence had fallen in the redecorated TARDIS, as if the machine itself was awaiting an answer.

She kept her gaze down, not knowing what to say exactly just yet. She felt her heart beat slightly faster, silently willing for him not to bring up the subject. It was unavoidable, really, after what had happened.

"Do you still see him?" He repeated, louder and more confident this time, knowing that he chose the correct words to use no matter how straightforward he sounded, "In me?"

She didn't respond again. She stayed still, eyes glued to the black pair of specs in her hands. He cleared his throat, perhaps he wasn't that clear, and said in a soothing tone.

"Look (Y/N), I want to help," He placed his hand gently on her back, "Please, just answer me this question."

"Do you still see him in me?"

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