To Save A Life (13th)

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For those who need some action in their life...

Part 6

"Here's the plan."

All six of you were huddled in a circle as the Doctor started giving out instructions.

"I've landed us on a deserted planet, pretty much, but it'll do," she said before handing out the individual tasks.

"Ryan, Graham, we'll need to set up a beacon to draw in the Spirit, also known as the little girl trying to murder (Y/N)."

The Doctor rambled on as to how they were supposed to do it. The pair set out to work outside the TARDIS. As Graham held the paper filled with directions on how to set it up, Ryan was doing all the hard work.

"Bit hot out here, ain't it?" said Graham as he used the paper to fan himself.

Standing up after screwing in a weird metal piece, Ryan wiped his sweat, "You're one to talk. Look who's doing all the work!"

"Yaz, I'll get the TARDIS to direct you to obtain an antenna to boost (Y/N)'s signal."

Following the TARDIS lights down the corridor, Yaz eventually wondered into a room full of metal pieces. There were cardboard boxes stacked up neatly at one side, and scrap metal piled up carelessly on the other. Her feet kicked something, and she bent down to pick it up. It was shaped as a salt shaker, but it wasn't what she needed.

"Weird," she said as she placed it aside.

Her eyes fell on an antennae-like structure that seemed fit for the job. Gently, she carried it to the pair who was working outside.

"Lise, (Y/N), you're with me. We're going to the chamber where I kept the protactinium. I'm going to need your biological print, Lise. I set the room to only respond to you."

The TARDIS scanned Meitner's eyes and thumbprint, and with a click of the lock, the door slid open, revealing a room with glass box set in the middle of it.

Within the glass box laid the one thing that would save your life.

"May I present to you," the Doctor gestured to the solid, greenish-gold chemical, "Protactinium-231."

You moved closer to the protactinium isotope. It shined in the little spotlight from above to make it look impressive. Tapping on the glass wall, you looked at the Doctor, who had an encouraging smile plastered across her face, and then at Meitner, who did not share the same enthusiasm.

"It looks the same as the day Hahn..." Meitner didn't complete her sentence, but you knew what she meant.

"Long half-life, and good TARDIS preservative skills, well done girl," the Doctor patted the TARDIS walls affectionately before proceeding to a control panel.

She pushed a few buttons and with the help of Lise for her biological prints again, the glass box lifted to give you access to it. The smell that hit you made your nose cringe. You felt as though you were in a hospital full of sanitiser and sterilisation.

Covering your nose with your hand discreetly, you asked, "So what now?"

The Doctor pulled out a pair of tweezers from her coat pocket and handed it to you. You clicked it twice, but then you didn't know what to do with it, so you just stood there and waited for the Doctor's instructions.

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